[comp.lang.c++] Bertrand Meyers book

dutta@skorpio.Usask.ca (Diptendu Dutta) (02/23/89)

I am trying to get Bertrand Meyers book "Object Oriented Software
Construction" using inter-library loans. For this purpose I need the
name of a publication  where this book has been referenced. Could
somebody please send me a reference for such a publication. 
In the absence of such a reference the ISBN of the book would also be
of help.


	Diptendu Dutta

tim@hp-ses.SDE.HP.COM (Tim O'Konski) (02/24/89)

/ hp-ses:comp.lang.c++ / dutta@skorpio.Usask.ca (Diptendu Dutta) / 11:15 am  Feb 22, 1989 /
I am trying to get Bertrand Meyers book "Object Oriented Software
Construction" using inter-library loans. For this purpose I need the
name of a publication  where this book has been referenced. Could
somebody please send me a reference for such a publication. 
In the absence of such a reference the ISBN of the book would also be
of help.


	Diptendu Dutta

My August 1988 issue of Unix Review Magazine (Vol. 6, No. 9) has an article 
starting on page 44 by Bertrand Meyer which references the OOSC book you are
interested in.   The ISBN number of the book is 0-13-629049-3.

Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T.

daveh@phred.UUCP (Dave Hampton) (02/24/89)

In article <1776@dvinci.USask.CA> dutta@skorpio.Usask.ca (Diptendu Dutta) writes:
>I am trying to get Bertrand Meyers book "Object Oriented Software
>Construction" using inter-library loans. For this purpose I need the
>name of a publication  where this book has been referenced. Could
>somebody please send me a reference for such a publication. 

  The book you want is:
    Meyer, B. "Object Oriented Software Construction", Prentice-Hall
International series in Computer Science, C.A.R. Hoare, Series Editor.
Prentice Hall, New York, Copy. 1988.

  The book costs $40.00, and is available from either the publisher
or from Meyer's company, Interactive Software Engineering, Inc., which
also sells his language, Eiffel.  There is a newsgroup for the language,
comp.lang.eiffel, and Dr. Meyer reads it regularly if you need more

  -- Dave Hampton

Reply to:  uiucuxc!tikal!phred!daveh {Dave Hampton}
Addr:      Research Division, Physio-Control Corp.
           P.O. Box 97006
           Redmond, WA  98073-9706

dog@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (edward.n.schiebel) (02/24/89)

ISBN 0-13-629049-3
ISBN 0-13-629031-0 PBK

rbk@hpctdls.HP.COM (Richard Katz) (02/25/89)

>/ hpctdls:comp.lang.c++ / dutta@skorpio.Usask.ca (Diptendu Dutta) / 12:15 pm  Feb 22, 1989 /
>I am trying to get Bertrand Meyers book "Object Oriented Software
>Construction" using inter-library loans. For this purpose I need the
>name of a publication  where this book has been referenced. Could
>somebody please send me a reference for such a publication. 
>In the absence of such a reference the ISBN of the book would also be
>of help.


>	Diptendu Dutta
ISBN 0-13-629049-3

Object-oriented Software Construction
Bertrand Meyer
