[comp.lang.c++] Recursive #includes

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (02/27/89)

In article <570@marob.MASA.COM>, samperi@marob.MASA.COM (Dominick Samperi) writes:
> <contents of foo.h>:
> #ifndef H_FOO
> #define H_FOO
> #endif

This issue was beaten to death a few weeks ago in the comp.lang.c++
news group.  The obvious proposal is to not #include a file that's
already been #included, even if you see a second (or third, or forty-
second) #include for it.  This would also be more efficient that what
you suggest above, since the file doesn't even need to be opened again,
let alone read.  Unfortunately, it can break existing C code.

We had such a cpp (back in the bad old days of Net 1000, a large
development project).  People tended to #include the whole world, just
in case; but it did speed up compilation quite a bit (we had lots of
big header files).

The C++ header files I've seen do things like #ifndef STDIO_H, as you
suggest above.  It may not the best solution, but it works.  For more
information, look at old comp.lang.c++ articles (no, I don't know of
any place that archives them).

>Dominick Samperi -- ESCC, samperi@marob.masa.com, uunet!hombre!samperi

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories, att!pegasus!psrc
psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.

coggins@coggins.cs.unc.edu (Dr. James Coggins) (02/27/89)

In article <2630@pegasus.ATT.COM> psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) writes:
>This issue was beaten to death a few weeks ago in the comp.lang.c++
>news group.  The obvious proposal is to not #include a file that's
>already been #included, even if you see a second (or third, or forty-
>second) #include for it. 
>Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories, att!pegasus!psrc

I was one of the principal beaters of this topic.

My net postings have been cleaned up, enhanced, and submitted to
SIGPLAN Notices (no idea yet on publication date).  They are also
available as a technical report from my department's SoftLab (software
research laboratory).  You can either watch SIGPLAN for J. Coggins and
G. Bollella, "Managing C++ Libraries" or e-mail for a copy of our
technical report (which will soon include an addendum with some
further techniques) to Pam Payne, Softlab Coordinator at
softlab@cs.unc.edu or to the address below. 

The organization scheme I descibed requires no preprocessor hacks,
includes headers once and once only, imposes minimally on the program
development process, and is still working well with VERY little
maintenance required.  In fact, we have extended it recently to handle
compilations of my research library for multiple architectures (Sun3,
Sun4, Vax780) and are preparing to incorporate RCS support directly
into the management structure. (These points will be described in the
addendum to the SoftLab TR). 

USmail for the tech report: Pam Payne, SoftLab Coordinator
                            Computer Science Department
                            University of North Carolina
                            Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
Dr. James M. Coggins          coggins@cs.unc.edu
Computer Science Department   
UNC-Chapel Hill               Whaat! is the sound of an issue being
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-3175    beaten to death!

dld@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (David Detlefs) (02/28/89)

Recently, Paul Chisholm replied to Dominich Samperi's query on this
subject, saying that this idea had been beaten to death recently.
He went on to summarize the discussion, saying roughly that the two
extreme solutions to "the include file problem" are

1) Write "foo.h" in the form
#ifndef _FOO_H_
#define _FOO_H_ 1
<contents of foo.h>
#endif // _FOO_H_

This requires no modifications to cpp.

2) Build a cpp so that it never includes a file twice -- this
increases efficeincy significantly because, unlike the above, it
doesn't even have to open the file to determine that it doesn't need
to be included.  Unfortunately, despite what many of us might think
about such usage, some files are written to be included multiple

Many people in the discussion tried to find compromise solutions; I
was one of them.  Unfortunately, my idea didn't work.  I'm posting to
plug what I thought was the best solution I read; I think all cpp's
should be written this way (I forget who proposed this -- they should
take a bow, I think):

When cpp first processes a file, it determines all non-comment,
non-whitespace text in the file is enclosed in an #ifndef block, as
above.  If so, the file name and the variable whose definedness
determines inclusion are put in a table.  On subsequent includes, the
file is opened and processed only if the variable is not defined.
This would seem to have all the performance advantages of proposal 2,
while retaining all the compatibility advantages of proposal 1.  Just
a marvelous idea.

Dave Detlefs			Any correlation between my employer's opinion
Carnegie-Mellon CS		and my own is statistical rather than causal,
dld@cs.cmu.edu			except in those cases where I have helped to
				form my employer's opinion.  (Null disclaimer.)

prc@maxim.ERBE.SE (Robert Claeson) (02/28/89)

In article <DLD.89Feb27115937@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU>, dld@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (David Detlefs) writes:

> 2) Build a cpp so that it never includes a file twice -- this
> increases efficeincy significantly because, unlike the above, it
> doesn't even have to open the file to determine that it doesn't need
> to be included.  Unfortunately, despite what many of us might think
> about such usage, some files are written to be included multiple
> times.

Well, then make it switch configureable with the "new" behavior
as the default.

Robert Claeson, ERBE DATA AB, P.O. Box 77, S-175 22 Jarfalla, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)758-202 50  Fax: +46 (0)758-197 20
EUnet:   rclaeson@ERBE.SE               uucp:   {uunet,enea}!erbe.se!rclaeson
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