posdamer@wucs1.wustl.edu (Jeff Posdamer) (02/25/89)
I am repeating a requst I made a while ago for information on work done to implement solid modeling in an object oriented environment. I am, of course, interested in 'acquiring' a woking modeler to use as part of a research project on rules constrained design. Please reply by e-mail and, as is usually the case, if there is sufficient response, I will summarize to the net. Tnanks for your help. Jeff Posdamer posdamer@wucs1.wustl.edu
lee@puffin.uucp (Lee Moore) (03/02/89)
The 1987 SIGGRAPH had a course called: Object-Oriented Geometric Modeling and Rendering I didn't attend the course but I have read the course notes. It's a reasonable way to start. Most of the implementations discussed where macros on top of C although the Lisp Flavors are also used. Lee Moore -- Xerox Webster Research Center UUCP: {allegra, decvax, cmcl2, rutgers}!rochester!rocksanne!lee Arpa Internet: Moore.Wbst128@Xerox.Com DDN: +1 716 422 2496