[comp.lang.c++] "What is Object-Oriented Programming?" by Stroustrup

tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry) (02/04/89)

In article <137@mole-end.UUCP>, mat@mole-end.UUCP (Mark A Terribile) writes:
> That non-OOP paradigms sometimes work better than OOP is pretty well
> established.  Arithmetic types certainly seem to require less motion when
> their implementation mixes the OOP and data abstraction paradigms.  Bjarne
> has given a paper called *What Is Object Oriented Programming?* that
> addresses some of this.  (Now where's my copy ...?)
This excellent article was published in the May 1988 issue of IEEE Software.
It is about the best demystification I've seen for buzzwords such as "data
abstraction" and "object oriented".
  Steve Tarry        ...dartvax.dartmouth.edu!sirius!tarry
  Northern Telecom, Network Supports Systems Div., Concord, N.H. (for now)

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (02/10/89)

From article <529@sirius.UUCP>, by tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry):

> This excellent article was published in the May 1988 issue of IEEE Software.
> It is about the best demystification I've seen for buzzwords such as "data
> abstraction" and "object oriented".
> -- 
>   Steve Tarry        ...dartvax.dartmouth.edu!sirius!tarry
>   Northern Telecom, Network Supports Systems Div., Concord, N.H. (for now)

I'll poke through the back issues. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Some demystification is certainly in order.  

** mild flames follow **

I get tired of hearing phrases like, "type-latice reduced
interior state polymorhism", to describe some kind of lookup table.
And when they start renaming everything to make it sound like classical
mathematics, with F-sub-alpha's and so forth, I tune out, even though
[because?] my M.S. is in classical mathematics.

And it should be the law: If you use the word "paradigm" without
knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No
exceptions. Grrrrrr.


Ah! I feel much better now, thank you.

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (02/16/89)

I recently posted some rantings about the obscure language
used to describe some programming techniques.  I didn't
even notice that the subject-line refers to Mr. Stroustrup.
I didn't mean to single him out.  Sorry, Bjarne!

             Dave Jones

jste@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Joshua Stein) (02/22/89)

In article <529@sirius.UUCP> tarry@sirius.UUCP (Steve Tarry) writes:

>> Bjarne has given a paper called *What Is Object Oriented Programming?* that
>> addresses some of this.  (Now where's my copy ...?)
>This excellent article was published in the May 1988 issue of IEEE Software.

Could someone post this excellent article so that those of us who don't get
IEEE Software can also read it? Thanks.
Joshua Stein	Pacific Bell		"Neat Stuff!!"	 / --) koo koo ka choo
the usual generic disclaimer goes here		        /\ ) )
(415) 823-2411 uucp:{ihnp4,dual}!phyf!josh      	|   \/ \  

piet@ruuinf (Piet van Oostrum) (03/01/89)

In article <91533@sun.uucp>, dhare%integral (Dwight Hare) writes:
 `I took this as an opportunity to play with my new OCR system.  I hope that
 `I'm not violating any netnews rules by posting a copyrighted article.

I think you should AT LEAST contact the author before posting.
Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-30-531806. piet@cs.ruu.nl (mcvax!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet)

karam@sce.carleton.ca (Gerald Karam) (03/01/89)

In article <91533@sun.uucp> dhare@sun.UUCP (Dwight Hare) writes:
>In article <4736@pbhyf.PacBell.COM> jste@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Joshua Stein) writes:
>I took this as an opportunity to play with my new OCR system.  I hope that
>I'm not violating any netnews rules by posting a copyrighted article.
> ... illegal reprint deleted....

i am afraid you have violated copyright laws. posting a excerpt is one thing,
even photocopy in small quantities for research is ok, but blatant 
redistribution without permission is quite illegal, even if it is over the net.

i hope you have a good lawyer because ieee has you cold.

gerald karam

henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (03/01/89)

[news.admin cross-posting added -- this is important]

In article <91533@sun.uucp> dhare@sun.UUCP (Dwight Hare) writes:
>>Could someone post this excellent article so that those of us who don't get
>>IEEE Software can also read it? Thanks.
>I took this as an opportunity to play with my new OCR system.  I hope that
>I'm not violating any netnews rules by posting a copyrighted article.

Yes, you are, the most important one of all:  Thou shalt not endanger the
net for thine own pleasure.  Posting copyrighted material is a copyright
violation.  You can get sued for that.  Worse, there is a distinct chance
that sites which pass it on might get sued as well.  (Whether such suits
have a chance of succeeding is a different issue; they will do damage even
if they don't.)

The Earth is our mother;       |     Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
our nine months are up.        | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (03/01/89)

Having reread the article, I reach the following conclusions:

1. Is C an object-oriented language?               No.
2. Is C++ an object-oriented language?             Hmmmm, well...
3. Can an inspired programmer write an object-
   oriented program in C?                          Yes.
4. Can an uninspired programmer write an object-
   oriented program in C++?                        No.

dhare%integral@Sun.COM (Dwight Hare) (03/01/89)

In article <1989Feb28.172023.17877@utzoo.uucp> henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes:
>[news.admin cross-posting added -- this is important]
>In article <91533@sun.uucp> dhare@sun.UUCP (Dwight Hare) writes:
>>>Could someone post this excellent article so that those of us who don't get
>>>IEEE Software can also read it? Thanks.
>>I took this as an opportunity to play with my new OCR system.  I hope that
>>I'm not violating any netnews rules by posting a copyrighted article.
>Yes, you are, the most important one of all:  Thou shalt not endanger the
>net for thine own pleasure.  Posting copyrighted material is a copyright
>violation.  You can get sued for that.  Worse, there is a distinct chance
>that sites which pass it on might get sued as well.  (Whether such suits
>have a chance of succeeding is a different issue; they will do damage even
>if they don't.)
>The Earth is our mother;       |     Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
>our nine months are up.        | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu

Yes, you're quite right.  I have notified usenet central, the author of
the article, and the Manager of Intellectual Property Rights at IEEE
Publishing.  I have requested that the article be cancelled.  I have
been assured by IEEE that no litigation will result from this.
I apologize for endangering the net, although I resent the implication
that I purposely endangered the net for my own "pleasure".

I have seen many newswire stories quoted verbatim on the net, so there is a
large education problem.  I hope that my experience helps to further that
education.  I would also encourage all who so quickly responded to my
mistake that they just as quickly respond to requests that copyrighted
material be posted (my posting was a response to such a request, and several
days had elapsed between the request and my posting).

Again my apologies to all.

jste@pbhyf.PacBell.COM (Joshua Stein) (03/02/89)

In article <1163@ruuinf.UUCP> piet@ruuinf (Piet van Oostrum) writes:
>In article <91533@sun.uucp>, dhare%integral (Dwight Hare) writes:
> `I took this as an opportunity to play with my new OCR system.  I hope that
> `I'm not violating any netnews rules by posting a copyrighted article.
>I think you should AT LEAST contact the author before posting.

It is obviously time I took the blame for starting this thing. I asked for the
article not understanding the copyright laws involved. As indicated on a pre-
vious posting I have seen a lot of verbatim article posted on the net and did
not realize the implications. I apologize to the net community for endangering
what I consider a great joy and wonderful resource, and thank the IEEE and the
author for their understanding. Please do not flame the person who posted the
article he was responding to what he must have considered a valid request.
Joshua Stein  Pacific*Bell 415 823-2411 |"I make it a rule to never get involved
the usual generic disclaimer goes here  | with somone who's possessed ... well,
uucp:{world}!pacbell!phyf!josh		| it's more of a guidline than a rule"

daveb@geaclib.UUCP (David Collier-Brown) (03/05/89)

> In article <91533@sun.uucp> dhare@sun.UUCP (Dwight Hare) writes:
>> ... illegal reprint deleted....
From article <558@sce.carleton.ca>, by karam@sce.carleton.ca (Gerald Karam):
> i am afraid you have violated copyright laws. posting a excerpt is one thing,
> even photocopy in small quantities for research is ok, but blatant 
> redistribution without permission is quite illegal, even if it is over the net.

If it was short, and posted for fair use, IEEE will probably not consider
any action.  See the RISKS article on european/american copyright for
a topical discussion...

--dave (sue? you mean SPEND MONEY!!?) c-b
 David Collier-Brown.  | yunexus!lethe!dave
 Interleaf Canada Inc. |
 1550 Enterprise Rd.   | He's so smart he's dumb.
 Mississauga, Ontario  |       --Joyce C-B

sms@sugar.hackercorp.com (Stanley M. Sutton) (03/06/89)

Although it was not cross posted to this newsgroup, the individual
did get in contact with the IEEE and get after the fact permission
to post the article.  The individual involved also posted appologies.

Look in comp.lang.c++ if you are interested in the discussion.

The IEEE did NOT give blanket permission to post, but may give permission
to post articles about specific news group interests, IF they and the
author(s) are contacted in advance.