[comp.lang.c++] C++ LIBRARY/TOOL SURVEY

newsuser@LTH.Se (LTH network news server) (02/27/89)

We all want good, reusable C++ class libraries, and other useful tools.
I've expected to see a lot, but so far in vain. Now it's time to find out!

If you have any code you think is useful, or have heard of some, try to
answer the questions below.  I won't mind how ``trivial'' it may look --
I want to see hundereds of linked list classes.  Include any other tools,
class browsers, debuggers, you name it.  Even if your code is not
generally available, please reply -- it would be interesting to know
what's going on.

Mail your replies to:


I will distribute a catalog soon.  Your cooperation is needed!

Dag M. Bruck
Department of Automatic Control, Lund, Sweden

Type:		class library/development tool/other

Other requirements:
Availability:	real product/hack/under development
Costs money:	yes/no/public domain

Do you want it ``published'' in the catalog?  yes/no
Other comments:
Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag@control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118

orr@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Fraser Orr) (03/01/89)

In article <1989Feb27.090941.18193@LTH.Se> dag@Control.LTH.Se (Dag Bruck) writes:
>We all want good, reusable C++ class libraries, and other useful tools.
>I've expected to see a lot, but so far in vain. Now it's time to find out!
>If you have any code you think is useful, or have heard of some, try to
>answer the questions below.  I won't mind how ``trivial'' it may look --
>I want to see hundereds of linked list classes.  Include any other tools,
>class browsers, debuggers, you name it.  Even if your code is not
>generally available, please reply -- it would be interesting to know
>what's going on.

One thing that you should point out is that the code doesn't need to be
good.  I have discussed with various people why OOP class sharing hasn't
taken off in the way it was expected to, one of the main reasons I've
found is self conciousness, that is they don't want people to see the
disgusting hacks that most programmers produce.  When I'm reusing code I
don't really care if it is disgusting, all I want o do is use it!  It
would be good if you could emphasis this (unless you disagree of
course.) Another problem is that people are "just getting around to
documenting the code".  Code is pretty naff without documentation, but
it is still useful.  I find it easier to read code that write it, so I'm
prepared to do a bit of work to document the code myself.  i.e.  code
with no documetation is better than no code at all.  And if the writter
ever gets around to documenting the code, this could also be made
avaliable (in fact, someone else, who had done the work to understand
the code could even write the documentation and make it avaliable.)

One thing you don't make clear is how to get hold of the code and
documentation.  What might be good would be if someone became an editor,
and perhaps posted regular digests in comp.unix.sources (I supposed this
would have to be discussed with the moderator though).  Comments anyone?

==Fraser Orr ( Dept C.S., Univ. Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK)
UseNet: {uk}!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!orr       JANET: orr@uk.ac.glasgow.cs
ARPANet(preferred xAtlantic): orr%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk

newsuser@LTH.Se (LTH network news server) (03/05/89)

In article <2491@crete.cs.glasgow.ac.uk> orr@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Fraser Orr) writes:
>In article <1989Feb27.090941.18193@LTH.Se> dag@Control.LTH.Se (Dag Bruck) writes:
>>We all want good, reusable C++ class libraries, and other useful tools.
>>I've expected to see a lot, but so far in vain. Now it's time to find out!
>One thing that you should point out is that the code doesn't need to be

Right, I will make my own linked-list library available.  It is a
re-write of some old Ada code that never compiled because the Ada
compiler was brain damaged.  Can you think of a more disgusting
heritage (:-) ?

I have so far received 10 answers.  C'mon folks!

>One thing you don't make clear is how to get hold of the code and
>documentation.  What might be good would be if someone became an editor,
>and perhaps posted regular digests in comp.unix.sources.

This is a good idea.  I will not do it!

Dag Bruck

Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag@control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118

johnson@p.cs.uiuc.edu (03/09/89)

Code that hasn't been reused is probably not very good yet.  Thus,
the code that you write is always "not good enough to share".
Sharing makes it good, because people generalize and rewrite
to make the code clearer.

Of course, people can just add to a library instead of rewriting
it, and entropy eventually takes over.  However, libraries provide
experimental evidence necessary to develop generalized designs, so
sharing code and letting others reuse it is a good way to come up
with reusable software.

The best documentation that I have seen was written by someone
trying to understand the code.  Once you figure out the code,
you document those things that were hard to understand.