[comp.lang.c++] Class vect2

sms@sugar.hackercorp.com (Stanley M. Sutton) (03/06/89)

Here is a class for 2 dimensional vectors I've written for a game I'm 
working on.  There are some problems with compiling I've coded around,
probably due to the fact I'm using version 1.5 of Zortech C++.  Someday,
when I have some funds, I'm planning to upgrade.  I haven't implemented 
the dot product yet, as I haven't needed it.  Suggestions for improvement
would be welcomed, as I'm learning.
#include <stream.hpp>

class vect2 {
    double x,y;
	vect2(double ix = 0.0, double iy = 0.0) {x = ix; y = iy;};
        vect2 operator= (vect2& v){ x = v.x; y = v.y; return (*this); };
        vect2 operator+ (vect2& v){ double lx, ly;lx = x + v.x;ly = y + v.y;
                                    return vect2(lx,ly); };
        vect2 operator- (vect2& v){ double lx, ly;lx = x - v.x;ly = y - v.y;
                                    return vect2(lx,ly); };
        vect2 operator+= (vect2& v){x += v.x; y += v.y; return *this;};
        vect2 operator-= (vect2& v){x -= v.x; y -= v.y; return *this;};
        friend vect2  operator* (vect2 &v1, double &s);
        friend vect2  operator* (double &s, vect2 &v1);
               double distance  (vect2 &v);
               vect2  unit      ();
  //            double dot       (vect2 v1, vect2 v2);
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &s,vect2 &v);
#ifndef _vect2.cpp_
#define _vect2.cpp_
#include <math.h>
#include "vect2.hpp"

double vect2::distance(vect2 &v) {
	return (sqrt((x-v.x)*(x-v.x)+(y-v.y)*(y-v.y)));

vect2 vect2::unit() {
        double lx,ly;

        lx = x/sqrt( x * x + y * y);
        ly = y/sqrt( x * x + y * y); 
        return vect2(lx,ly);

ostream& operator<< (ostream &s, vect2 &v) {
    return ( s << "(" << v.x << ", " << v.y << ")" );

vect2 operator*(vect2& v, double& s) {
    return vect2(v.x * s, v.y * s);

vect2 operator*(double& s, vect2& v) {
    return vect2(v.x * s, v.y * s);

#  ifndef NDEBUG
    vect2 x(1,1),y(2,2),z(5,7),t(0,0);
    double tmp=5.0;
    t = x + y;
    cout << " t" << t << " = x" << x << " + y" << y << "\n" ;
    cout << " distance from x" << x << " to y" << y << " is ";
    cout << x.distance(y) << "\n";
    t = vect2(4,0);
    cout << " unit vector for " << t << " is " << t.unit() << "\n";
    cout << " z * 5 is " << (z * tmp) << "\n";
//  cout << " z * 5 is " << (z * 5) << "\n"; // Produces wrong answer,
//             possibly 5 is not converted to double.
//  cout << " z * 5 is " << (z * 5.0) << "\n";
// Compiler bug:  11147 from ZTC2
    tmp = x.distance(y);
    cout << " x.distance(y) * z is " << (tmp * z) << "\n";
//    cout << " x.distance(y) * z is " << (x.distance(y) * z) << "\n";
// Compiler bug 11147 from ZTC2
    cout << " x += z is " << (x += z) << "\n";
    cout << " x -= z is " << (x -= z) << "\n";
#  endif
---------------------------------------- compile/link----------------------
ZTCPP1 -mc -otemp.tmp vect2.cpp

ZTC2 temp.tmp -ovect2

LINK vect2/noi;
BLINK 2.14 Copyright (c) 1986-88 by Zortech, written by Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson
BLINK complete. Time: 16.86 seconds
 t(3, 3) = x(1, 1) + y(2, 2)
 distance from x(1, 1) to y(2, 2) is 1.414214
 unit vector for (4, 0) is (1, 0)
 z * 5 is (25, 35)
 x.distance(y) * z is (7.071068, 9.899495)
 x += z is (6, 8)
 x -= z is (1, 1)

w-colinp@microsoft.UUCP (Colin Plumb) (03/09/89)

In my, similar, point class, I used * for dot product and / for
cross product (to be precise, it returned the z component:
x1*y2 - x2*y1).  Is there any convention for this?
	-Colin (uunet!microsoft!w-colinp)

"Don't listen to me.  I never do." - The Doctor