[comp.lang.c++] USENIX-C++-Conference. When and Where?

toelle@quando.UUCP (Wolfgang Toelle) (02/13/89)

Would somebody be so kind and tell me when and
where the next USENIX-C++-Conference will be held?

Where can I get more information (fees, etc.).



owen@cod.NOSC.MIL (Wallace E. Owen) (02/16/89)

In article <759@quando.UUCP> toelle@quando.UUCP (Wolfgang Toelle) writes:
>Would somebody be so kind and tell me when and
>where the next USENIX-C++-Conference will be held?

Me too, please. But tell me- How are they going to be able to follow
Santa Fe and Denver??

Wallace Owen
Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (02/25/89)

In article <1411@cod.NOSC.MIL>, owen@cod.NOSC.MIL (Wallace E. Owen) writes:
> In article <759@quando.UUCP> toelle@quando.UUCP (Wolfgang Toelle) writes:
> >Would somebody be so kind and tell me when and
> >where the next USENIX-C++-Conference will be held?
> >
> >Wolfgang
> Me too, please. But tell me- How are they going to be able to follow
> Santa Fe and Denver??
> Wallace Owen
> Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego
> owen@cod.NOSC.MIL

people involved with the Santa Fe and Denver conferences and USENIX
have strated thinking about another C++ conference but your question
about ``how to follow Santa Fe and Denver'' is more appropriate than
you might have imagined. Even assuming that the conference will only
grow ``a little bit'' (not the usual 100%) we have grown so that even
booking a place to hold the conference takes a year +- a few months.

Assuming this is indeed the case we have a major problem getting a
conference organized for this year.

ward@eplrx7.UUCP (ward) (03/10/89)

I'm sorry if this has already come up, but where can I get the notes to
the last two conferences?  Also, how much do they cost?

    Rick Ward                         |        E.I. Dupont Co.
    uunet!eplrx7!ward                 |        Engineering Physics Lab
    (302) 695-7395                    |        Wilmington, Delaware 19898
    Just Say When.                    |        Mail Stop: E357-302