[comp.lang.c++] DDJ Feb. '89

feg@clyde.ATT.COM (Forrest Gehrke) (03/11/89)

If anyone has the code that was published along with
this article for this multitasking kernel I surely
would appreciate a copy emailed.

Forrest Gehrke

brooke@ingr.com (Brooke King) (03/15/89)

In article <42154@clyde.ATT.COM> feg@clyde.ATT.COM (Forrest Gehrke) writes:
| If anyone has the code that was published along with
| this article for this multitasking kernel I surely
| would appreciate a copy emailed.
| Thanks,
| Forrest Gehrke

Since I have seen this request more than once, _DDJ_ (Feb '89,
page 58) writes:

"All source code for aritcles in this issue is available on a
single disk.  To order, send $14.95 (Calif. residents add sales
tax) to _Dr. Dobb's Journal_, 501 Galveston Drive, Redwood City,
CA 94063, or call 800-356-2002 (in Calif.) or 800-533-4372
(outside Calif.).  Please specify the issue number and format
(MS-DOS, Macintosh, Kaypro)."

February 1989's issue number of is 148.  I presume checks
(cheques, too) ought to be in US dollars drawn on US banks.

brooke@ingr.com uunet!ingr!brooke W+1 205 7727796 H+1 205 8950824