[comp.lang.c++] client/servers and C++

jeff@hpctdls.HP.COM (Jeff Hughes) (03/22/89)

   I have been trying to implement a client/server application using 
C++. It appears to me that the current version of C++ does not support
system calls such as bind, accept, socket, etc. When I try to compile
I get errors saying that these functions are undefined. Does anyone
have some information on client/servers and C++?

                         Thanks in Advance,

david@smythsun.JPL.NASA.GOV (David Smyth) (03/24/89)

In article <1990006@hpctdls.HP.COM> jeff@hpctdls.HP.COM (Jeff Hughes) writes:
>It appears to me that the current version of C++ does not support
>system calls such as bind, accept, socket, etc. When I try to compile
>I get errors saying that these functions are undefined.

If you are using a "version 2" compliant C++ compiler, try this:

extern "C" {
#include < ... >	// system call decls
#include < ... >	// and other C function decls
 ... etc ...

This keeps C++ from munging the names of external C functions,
including system calls.