[comp.lang.c++] PC implementations of OO languages

mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (M.Gardi - ICR) (03/30/89)

I would like to hear of how widespread the use of OO concepts and programming
is in the PC community.
Particularly, I would like to know if C++ and EIFFEL are being used extensively
on PC applications (is there a PC implementation of EIFFEL??).
We are currently looking at starting our first application using Object
oriented programming. We have passed the 'okay...we should be using this'
stage, and are now trying to determine what language to proceed with. One
possiblity is to develop our own. 
We currently program in C with the PS/2 as our delivery machine.
We have taken a crack at adding our own features to C, and have had quite
good results (it is quite fun, and relatively painless to add message passing,
class structures et al. to C!!), but as we are not a 'software company', we
would prefer to stay away from in-house development.
The one concern I have with C++ is how quickly PC vendors will be able to keep
up with the accepted unix versions of the product. This is particularly
a problem when you read about multiple inheritance, parameterized types, etc.
and cannot make a projection as to when they will be available (if ever).
HOw does one learn what is to be included, and what is just on a wish list??
Ie. What exactly is added to C++ in the upcoming release?
Any comments/replies would be appreciated.

tfmaher@vax1.tcd.ie (04/04/89)

In article <5738@watdcsu.waterloo.edu>, mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (M.Gardi - ICR) writes:
> I would like to hear of how widespread the use of OO concepts and programming
> is in the PC community.
> Particularly, I would like to know if C++ and EIFFEL are being used extensively
> on PC applications (is there a PC implementation of EIFFEL??).
> We are currently looking at starting our first application using Object
> oriented programming. We have passed the 'okay...we should be using this'
> stage, and are now trying to determine what language to proceed with. One
> possiblity is to develop our own. 
> We currently program in C with the PS/2 as our delivery machine.
> We have taken a crack at adding our own features to C, and have had quite
> good results (it is quite fun, and relatively painless to add message passing,
> class structures et al. to C!!), but as we are not a 'software company', we
> would prefer to stay away from in-house development.
> The one concern I have with C++ is how quickly PC vendors will be able to keep
> up with the accepted unix versions of the product. This is particularly
> a problem when you read about multiple inheritance, parameterized types, etc.
> and cannot make a projection as to when they will be available (if ever).
> HOw does one learn what is to be included, and what is just on a wish list??
> Ie. What exactly is added to C++ in the upcoming release?
> Any comments/replies would be appreciated.
> p.