[comp.lang.c++] inline & Zortech compiler

feg@clyde.ATT.COM (Forrest Gehrke) (03/22/89)

I have been experimenting (and learning something about
c++) with the article in the Feb. issue of DDJ on
Multitasking Kernel.  I am using Zortech's v1.07 compiler.

On page 45, third column, the author of this article states: 
"C++ supports in-line functions, but, unfortunately, the 
Zortech compiler does not generate in-line code in all cases."

It is not clear why the author throws that comment in, 
as the comment doesn't seem to relate to the subject in that

Anyhow, in several of my attempts to uncover cases when
the compiler does not properly handle inline, I have
not found any.  Has anyone found circumstances where the 
inline reserved word is used, the Zortech compiler will not
generate inline function code?  Could the author have been
working with any earlier version which did not generate this

Forrest Gehrke

johnm@trsvax.UUCP (03/24/89)

In the read.me that comes with the Zortech compiler it specifically states
in the list of bugs...

"Inline functions that contain any ifs, gotos, whiles, dos, fors or
 switches are not inlined.  The code will still compile and execute
 correctly, however."

In other words, it's a case of RTFREADME :-).

John Munsch

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (03/25/89)

In article <42890@clyde.ATT.COM> feg@clyde.ATT.COM (Forrest Gehrke) writes:
>Anyhow, in several of my attempts to uncover cases when
>the compiler does not properly handle inline, I have
>not found any.  Has anyone found circumstances where the 
>inline reserved word is used, the Zortech compiler will not
>generate inline function code?

The compiler will generate a real function call, rather than inline
expanding an inline function, in the following cases:
1. Calling it through a pointer-to-inline-function.
2. If the body of the function contains if, goto, do, for, while or
   switch statements.
3. If the inline function is variadic.
4. If the inline function is declared, but not defined yet, at the
   point of its use.
It's my understanding that the only difference between this behavior and
cfront's is that cfront is able to inline expand *some* functions containing
if statements. It does this by replacing them with ?: expressions.

It's quite difficult to inline expand a switch or loop statement, and the
utility of it is poor, so it's not done. (The purpose of inlining is to
gain speed, and for a loop most of the time is presumably in the loop, not
in the function call.)

There is nothing in the language definition to either require or disallow
inline function expansion. It is purely a 'quality of implementation' issue.
The only requirement is that the behavior of the program is *as if* they
were all regular functions. Inline is merely a hint to the compiler.

One problem with inlines: doing them is so easy and seductive that many
programmers go overboard with them, generating far more than would yield
a real improvement. The resulting problems are:
1. The program may wind up being unnecessarilly large.
2. Keeping all those functions in the compiler's symbol table chews up
   lots of memory. On a 640k PC, this is frequently the cause of running
   the compiler out of memory.

jeenglis@nunki.usc.edu (Joe English) (04/05/89)

bright@dataio.Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) writes:
>The compiler will generate a real function call, rather than inline
>expanding an inline function, in the following cases:
>1. Calling it through a pointer-to-inline-function.
>2. If the body of the function contains if, goto, do, for, while or
>   switch statements.
[... other (fairly obvious) reasons]

>It's quite difficult to inline expand a switch or loop statement, and the
>utility of it is poor, so it's not done. (The purpose of inlining is to
>gain speed, and for a loop most of the time is presumably in the loop, not
>in the function call.)

Not inlining loops and switches makes sense, but why not
if statements?  Having functions with if's inlined could 
be useful in a lot of cases, for example, doing a quick 
check for parameter validity before executing the rest of
the code.

What are the technical problems with inlining if's? 

--Joe English


bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (04/06/89)

In article <3390@nunki.usc.edu> jeenglis@nunki.usc.edu (Joe English) writes:
>Not inlining loops and switches makes sense, but why not
>if statements?
>What are the technical problems with inlining if's? 

To inline if's, it's necessary to convert them to equivalent expressions
involving ?:, && and || operators. (The idea is to convert the entire
function to one expression.) In fact, I asked Bjarne and he said that this
was exactly what cfront did. However, I have not gotten around yet to
putting in the code to do this, hence it doesn't inline if's just yet.