[comp.lang.c++] C++ on VMS?

pme@umb.umb.edu (Paul English) (01/17/89)

I would like to be able to use C++ code we are developing on bsd vaxes
and suns on some vax vms systems. (We have AT&T C++ and gnu g++ on
the unix systems.)

I don't think the AT&T stuff is on vms. (Right?) (Anyone know the
status of gnu g++ on vms?) And we cannot afford Glockenspeil.

I could use the AT&T c front on a bsd system to create c code, and
then try to compile this on the vax vms.

1. vms identifier limit of 32 characters.
2. Need to also port C++ libraries to vms, in same fashion as other
3. Header files are different.
4. Others?

Can someone give me some advice? At email address below, please.

Paul English, Computer Science Dept., UMass/Boston
pme@umb.edu, or harvard!umb!pme
(617) 325-4620

sharp@cadnetix.COM (04/06/89)

Has anyone ported ATT C++ to a system running VMS?  If so, what amount 
of effort/time was involved and what were the major snags?

Thanx in advance.

 	 Jim Sharpe   		  (303) 444-8075 x 338
 	 Cadnetix Corporation	  Internet: sharp@cadnetix.com	       
  	 5775 Flatiron Pkwy. 	  UUCP: cadnetix!sharp      
 	 Boulder, CO  80301	  	{uunet,boulder,nbires}!cadnetix!sharp