[comp.lang.c++] Problems with class task

prl@iis.UUCP (Peter Lamb) (04/09/89)

In my earlier description of the problems doing
correct register saves/restores, I forgot to mention
that the code in the task library *works* for VAXen
and perhaps for 3bX as well.

This is because the register save mask is on the stack on
the VAX (and maybe the 3bX as well).

However, on machines where the register restore is described
by a code sequence (eg 680X0 and i386), robust register restore
is hard (impossible?) given the current user interface to
the task library.

Peter Lamb
uucp:  uunet!mcvax!ethz!prl	eunet: prl@ethz.uucp	Tel:   +411 256 5241
Integrated Systems Laboratory
ETH-Zentrum, 8092 Zurich