wtwolfe@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bill Wolfe) (04/11/89)
There is currently a vote in progress regarding the creation
of a new newsgroup, comp.sw.components. The following is
a description of the scope of the proposed newsgroup:
$ This newsgroup will facilitate discussions about software components
$ and their design, implementation, and utilization. It is probable that
$ this will be mainly a group of professional component developers, people
$ who are training to become such a professional, and/or people who have an
$ interest in developing their own components from time to time.
$ As a "public service", we are also here to help and advise all component
$ users who need advice, and to provide a forum for reviewing the software
$ components provided by vendors. We are also here to allow the people who
$ developed any products which are criticized to show why perhaps the
$ criticism may not be entirely justified, or to seek ideas regarding how
$ the component(s) could be improved, and to provide a means by which new
$ techniques can be spread throughout the component development community.
$ Also, questions such as "How can I handle problem X which arises when I
$ try to implement component Y in language Z?" and "I have a nifty priority
$ queue, and would like a B+ tree; anyone wanna trade?" are encouraged.
Please send your e-mailed votes to wtwolfe@hubcap.clemson.edu, clearly
stating whether or not you are in favor of the comp.sw.components newsgroup.
E-mailed votes will be collected until Friday, April 28, 1989; the votes
will be counted, and the results posted, on Saturday, April 29, 1989.
>>> All votes will be confirmed via e-mail immediately upon receipt!! <<<
Bill Wolfe, wtwolfe@hubcap.clemson.edu