[comp.lang.c++] cfront 1.2 bug

dld@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (David Detlefs) (04/13/89)

I think the following is a bug in cfront 1.2.  The C++ program

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-

typedef unsigned int u_int;

struct foo {
  u_int bar : 2;

#include <stream.h>

void main() {
  foo f;
  f.bar = 2;
  cout << "f.bar is " << f.bar << ".\n";

Translates to a ..c file that starts with

/* <<cfront 1.2.1 2/16/87>> */
/* < bitfield-bug.c */
char *_new(); char _delete(); char *_vec_new(); char _vec_delete();

typedef unsigned int u_int ;

struct foo {	/* sizeof foo == 4 */

int _foo_bar :2;

// ...

Note the "int" type of the "bar" field, instead of "unsigned int" or
"u_int".  When I finish compiling and linking this program on a vax,
it produces the result

f.bar is -2

which is obviously confusing.  Using "unsigned" in the original
declaration of foo instead of "u_int" is a workaround.  Just thought
I'd post this so that whoever is working on 2.0 can make sure this bug
does not survive in that version.
Dave Detlefs			Any correlation between my employer's opinion
Carnegie-Mellon CS		and my own is statistical rather than causal,
dld@cs.cmu.edu			except in those cases where I have helped to
				form my employer's opinion.  (Null disclaimer.)