[comp.lang.c++] Glockenspiel Path

artk@congrunt.uunet.uu.net (Art Kreitman @ Congruent) (04/05/89)

    Does any one have the uucp/internet path to the folks at Glockenspiel


eck@dasys1.UUCP (Mark Eckenwiler) (04/15/89)

In article <1.UUL1.3#5085@congrunt.uunet.uu.net> artk@congrunt.uunet.uu.net (Art Kreitman @ Congruent) writes:
>    Does any one have the uucp/internet path to the folks at Glockenspiel

Try mcvax!iclitc!puschi!sg [support group]
or  mcvax!iclitc!puschi!sg [John Carolan].

ICL's machine has a nasty habit of munching messages, so try again in a few 
days if you hear nothing back.

Mark Eckenwiler
Big Electric Cat Public UNIX