[comp.lang.c++] Needed : Recommendations for C++ texts for beginner

shehzad@babel.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Mevawalla Shezad) (03/30/89)

I have been assigned a new project which has to be written in C++ and therefore
I need to learn C++ in a real hurry.

Can someone please point me to some texts which are good for learning 
C++. I do know C, but I'm not very good at it. My strong languages are Pascal
and Assembly. I already have the book " The C++ Programming Language" by
Bjarne Stroustrup but I have been told that this is not a very good book for
beginners. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

Shehzad Mevawalla                               shehzad@babel.SanDiego.NCR.COM
(619) 746-2461                                  

jeff@hpctdls.HP.COM (Jeff Hughes) (03/31/89)

   I just learned C++ about a month ago myself. I found the book "An 
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++" by Richard Wiener and 
Lewis Pinson to be very useful. 
   After reading the text, I typed in a couple of examples from chapter 6.
These were the heterogenous linked list and search tree examples given 
in listings 6.5 - 6.7 and 6.10 - 6.11. That should get you off to a good

             Good luck, 

cs132046@brunix (Garrett Fitzgerald) (04/14/89)

In article <1990009@hpctdls.HP.COM> jeff@hpctdls.HP.COM (Jeff Hughes) writes:
>   I just learned C++ about a month ago myself. I found the book "An 
>Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++" by Richard Wiener and 
>Lewis Pinson to be very useful. 
>   After reading the text, I typed in a couple of examples from chapter 6.
>These were the heterogenous linked list and search tree examples given 
>in listings 6.5 - 6.7 and 6.10 - 6.11. That should get you off to a good

Actually, I liked these examples too, and started planning a programming
assignment using the friend-type syntax that they used--and then got 
hell from my TA for using friends. I was told that for real object-oriented
programming, I couldn't access the inner structure of the objects like that;
I could only write "object::set_x(int x1)" and "object::get_x" type routines
to look at them.
"Take my Worf--please!" -- Data
Sarek of Vulcan, a.k.a. Garrett Fitzgerald
cs132046@brunix or st902620@brownvm.bitnet

wlp@calmasd.Prime.COM (Walter L. Peterson, Jr.) (04/14/89)

In article <4009@brunix.UUCP>, cs132046@brunix (Garrett Fitzgerald) writes:
> In article <1990009@hpctdls.HP.COM> jeff@hpctdls.HP.COM (Jeff Hughes) writes:
> > ...
> >   After reading the text, I typed in a couple of examples from chapter 6.
> >These were the heterogenous linked list and search tree examples given 
> >in listings 6.5 - 6.7 and 6.10 - 6.11. That should get you off to a good
> >start.
> Actually, I liked these examples too, and started planning a programming
> assignment using the friend-type syntax that they used--and then got 
> hell from my TA for using friends. I was told that for real object-oriented
> programming, I couldn't access the inner structure of the objects like that;
> I could only write "object::set_x(int x1)" and "object::get_x" type routines
> to look at them.
> --------------------------------

I have to agree with your TA. There are seveal objections ( pun only slightly
intended :-) )  to friends.  From the "theoretical" standpoint, your TA is 
correct; that is not "real" object-oriented programming.  Only the object
itself, via methods defined on its class,  should be able to access its fields.
This is due to the simple fact that the implementation details of how the field
data is handled is encapsulated in the object class definition.  The details of
how the class and its fields are implemented are not a matter for other methods
and class to be concerned with.  How does/can the other method "know" what type
of data validation might be taking place within the access methods of the 
friend class ?  It can't. It shouldn't.

If you *REALLY* need to access a given field of an object in a particular 
function, then you should give some very serious thought to making that
function a method on the class.

There are also some very practical reasons for not using friends.  What do you
do if (I should say *WHEN*) the definition of the object class in question 
changes ?  How many files do you have to search through to find the direct 
field accesses ?  The object paradigm is supposed to, among other things, 
increase productivity by eliminating the need to do things like that whenever
a change is made.

As far as I'm concerned, the use of "friends" is a bad idea.  The very
existance of friends encourages "bad" habits.  I think that it is analogous to
allowing the use of (you should pardon the expression) "goto" in structured
languages and should, like "goto", be avoided like the plague.

With friends like that you don't need enemies.

Walt Peterson.  Prime - Calma San Diego R&D (Object and Data Management Group)
"The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those
Prime, Calma nor anyone else.

dlw@odi.UUCP (Dan Weinreb) (04/16/89)

> There are also some very practical reasons for not using friends.
> What do you do if (I should say *WHEN*) the definition of the object
> class in question changes?  How many files do you have to search
> through to find the direct field accesses?

Easy.  The friends are all explicitly mentioned in the class
declaration, just as the function members are.  Therefore, when the
implementation of the class changes, you go to the class definition
and use it to find the names of all the function members and all the
friends.  Then you check out each one, and update it as necessary.

The key issue is that every friend must be mentioned explicitly in the
class definition.  If that requirement did not exist, I would agree
with your criticisms.  Because friends are mentioned explicitly, they
are a lot like function members as far as control of scoping and
firewalling against updates are concerned.

In fact, friends solve some tough problems in object-oriented
programming that are left unsolved by most o-o languages.  Sometimes
it is truly necessary to have a piece of code that is part of the
implementation of two classes, and knows about the internals of each
class.  (You may never have run into this need, but it comes up
frequently in larger, more advanced systems.  I believe there are some
good examples in the libg++ library.)  In such a case, I find that
usually the two classes are best considered to be "one module", in a
sense; that is, they get maintained together as a unit, rather than
independently.  Obviously, you don't do things like this unless there
is a good reason; but sometimes there really *is* a good reason.

The multimethods of CLOS (and its antecedent, CommonLoops) are sort of
the same thing, although scoping rules in CLOS are so different from
those in C++ that it is somewhat hard to draw a close analogy.  There
is no attempt so solve the problem in Smalltalk-80; but Smalltalk-80
shies away from another important features needed by large, serious
o-o programs, namely multiple inheritance, so perhaps it is just their
policy.  To the best of my knowledge, the friend feature is unique to
C++; C++ has been particularly innovative in the area of name scoping,
particularly the private/protected/public distinction, an idea that
other o-o languages could learn from.

Students in an introductory o-o programming course are highly unlikely
to run into the need for functions that are friends of two classes.
In fact, they are unlikely to need friends at all.  If I were teaching
such a course, I might indeed tell the students to never use the
"friend" feature; not because it is a bad feature, but because it can
confuse you if you are still learning basic o-o concepts.

P.S. CLOS is the object-oriented part of the Draft ANSI Common Lisp
language, based on CommonLoops and New Flavors.

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (04/16/89)

In article <300@odi.UUCP>, dlw@odi.UUCP (Dan Weinreb) writes:

> Students in an introductory o-o programming course are highly unlikely
> to run into the need for functions that are friends of two classes.
> In fact, they are unlikely to need friends at all.

Imagine a linear algebra package with Matrix and Vector classes.
A function that multiplies a Matrix and and a Vector is a logical
candidate to be a friend of both.
				--Andrew Koenig

dlw@odi.UUCP (Dan Weinreb) (04/18/89)

> Imagine a linear algebra package with Matrix and Vector classes.

All I meant was that I didn't think students in an *introductory* o-o
programming course would be writing such a linear algebra package.
Naturally it depends on the intensity of the course.  A complete C++
course should certainly teach about the friend feature, but not right
at the beginning.  I don't think we're really disagreeing.

-- Dan Weinreb    Object Design, Inc.   odi!dlw@talcott.harvard.edu