[comp.lang.c++] Concurrent C.

robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) (05/17/88)

In article Lawrence V. Cipriani writes:

> The .cc suffix has been used for Concurrent C compilers for
> *quite some time*.  "make" will still get confused between
> C++ and Concurrent C.  Is this really a big deal though?

Excuse me for this stupid little question, but what is Concurrent C?

pcb@usl.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (03/09/89)

Can someone please email or postnews on how I can obtain

"Concurrent C" compiler for AT&T 3b2 , Sun 3 & 4's and Encore

Thanks in advance

pcb@usl.usl.edu       csnet

schmidt@glacier.ics.uci.edu (Doug Schmidt) (05/04/89)


  I recently got a copy of Gehani and Roome's book on Concurrent C.
This looks quite interesting, and I wonder whether anyone knows where
to call about information regarding the purchase a copy of the
Concurrent C translator?

On a clear day, under blue skies, there is no need to seek.
And asking about Buddha                +------------------------+
Is like proclaiming innocence,         | schmidt@ics.uci.edu    |
With loot in your pocket.              | office: (714) 856-4043 |