[comp.lang.c++] The C++ Answer Book

mhyman@hsfmsh.UUCP (Marco S. Hyman) (04/22/89)

Addison-Wesley just sent me a teaser for "The C++ Answer Book" by Tony L.
Hansen, 550 pp., paper.  I heard Bjarne recommend this book (I think it
was this book) at SD '89 in February.  Has anyone seen this book yet?

I'd order it from the teaser but they want to sell it with "The C++
Programming Language."  I already have two copies and don't need a third.
Has anyone seen it in the stores?

//Marco S. Hyman
//UUCP:   ...!sun!sfsun!hsfmsh!mhyman
//Domain: sfsun!hsfmsh!mhyman@sun.com

whm@sunquest.UUCP (Bill Mitchell) (05/05/89)

In article <582@hsfmsh.UUCP>, mhyman@hsfmsh.UUCP (Marco S. Hyman) writes:
> Addison-Wesley just sent me a teaser for "The C++ Answer Book" by Tony L.
> Hansen, 550 pp., paper.  I heard Bjarne recommend this book (I think it
> was this book) at SD '89 in February.  Has anyone seen this book yet?

I've never seen it either, but from the above, I thought it might be worth
ordering.  I called up Addison-Wesley and they said that they had never
heard of it.

Is this book out?  Is it published by Addison-Wesley?  What's the ISBN?
Bill Mitchell				whm@sunquest.com
Sunquest Information Systems		sunquest!whm@arizona.edu
Tucson, AZ 				{arizona,uunet}!sunquest!whm

reggie@dinsdale.nm.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) (05/06/89)

In article <166@sunquest.UUCP> whm@sunquest.UUCP (Bill Mitchell) writes:
>In article <582@hsfmsh.UUCP>, mhyman@hsfmsh.UUCP (Marco S. Hyman) writes:
>> Addison-Wesley just sent me a teaser for "The C++ Answer Book" by Tony L.
>> Hansen, 550 pp., paper.  I heard Bjarne recommend this book (I think it
>> was this book) at SD '89 in February.  Has anyone seen this book yet?

>I've never seen it either, but from the above, I thought it might be worth
>ordering.  I called up Addison-Wesley and they said that they had never
>heard of it.

    Whomever you spoke to was mistaken.  I called almost a month ago
about this book and another:

		Tony L. Hansen, AT&T Bell Laboratories
		The C++ Answer Book
		ISBN: 0-201-11497-6

		Stanley B. Lippman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
		A C++ Primer
		ISBN: 0-201-16487-6

>Is this book out?  Is it published by Addison-Wesley?  What's the ISBN?

Both books are highly recommended by a well know C++ programmer at Bell Labs.
An inquiry was made in the beginning of March as to when they would be
available.  At that time the projection was the summer.  However, a more
recent  phone call (April) to Addison-Wesley proved to be quite helpful.
The Hansen book will be stocked in their warehouse on May 1 and will cost
$26.95.  The Lippman book is due in the warehouse on May 15 and will cost

This information was given out over the phone by the person on the end of
their ordering phone number.

George W. Leach					AT&T Paradyne 
.!uunet!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-129
reggie@pdn.paradyne.com				P.O. Box 2826
Phone: (813) 530-2376				Largo, FL  USA  34649-2826

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) (05/08/89)

< Addison-Wesley just sent me a teaser for "The C++ Answer Book" by Tony L.
< Hansen, 550 pp., paper.  I heard Bjarne recommend this book (I think it
< was this book) at SD '89 in February.  Has anyone seen this book yet?

Yes, I've seen it. :-) (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Here's the scoop: I'm a stickler on portability. One of the major code
examples within my book is not portable enough and the book will not go into
final production until that problem is worked out. Sorry. If you order it
now, your order will be put in backorder status until the book's out.

< I'd order it from the teaser but they want to sell it with "The C++
< Programming Language."  I already have two copies and don't need a third.
< Has anyone seen it in the stores?

This is false. It will be orderable separately.

< Tony L. Hansen, AT&T Bell Laboratories
< The C++ Answer Book
< ISBN: 0-201-11497-6
< Addison-Wesley, $26.95

This information is all correct.

					Tony L. Hansen
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony