[comp.lang.c++] C++ for X.11

budd@mist.CS.ORST.EDU (Tim Budd) (05/09/89)

Does there exist an available (say via ftp) set of C++ classes that
simplify writing windowing applications using X11?  I've thought of writing 
such a thing, but would be pleased to save myself the trouble if others 
have done it already.
--tim budd

markc@Solbourne.COM (Mark Connell) (05/10/89)

In article <10481@orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU>, budd@mist.CS.ORST.EDU (Tim Budd) writes:
> Does there exist an available (say via ftp) set of C++ classes that
> simplify writing windowing applications using X11?  
> --tim budd

There are 2 that I know of, one of which you can get now.  InterViews
is a c++ based package from Stanford.  It is included on the X11R3
release tape under the contrib directory.

This fall (?), Solbourne will be releasing our c++ based user interface
toolkit to the public domain.  I don't know the release date.

                                        Mark A. Connell
                                        Solbourne Computer, Inc.
                                        1900 Pike Road
                                        Longmont, Co	80501
                                        (303) 772-3400

hall@lily.cis.ohio-state.edu (john hall) (05/10/89)

In article budd@mist.CS.ORST.EDU (Tim Budd) writes:
>Does there exist an available (say via ftp) set of C++ classes that
>simplify writing windowing applications using X11?  I've thought 
>of writing such a thing, but would be pleased to save 
>myself the trouble if others have done it already.
>--tim budd

The Interviews system is a complete toolkit in C++.  
It is public domain.
It is very complex, ( I just browsed) and I am not sure
how easy it would be to pick up.

I am unaware of any tutorials.

I have written my own system, and it is still under development.
The system has the following classes:
	Station: manages a display conection,
			 helps create a top level window,
			 provides a routing mechanism for window event
			 handling Can provide default handling.
	Cwindow: Basic window and window operations.  Draw lines,
			 segments, squares, rectangles,  print text
			 (centered, non-centered) etc.  Windows keep
			 track of direct decendents.
	GRC    : graphic context and manipulation thereof.
			 all values are cashed to allow query of current
			 gc status.
	menu &
	button : Allows pop up menus.  Selecting a menu item
			 can invoke a function if specified.
	object : under construction, manipulate window transformations,

You may take it as is with some working programs.
Documentation is fairly non-existent, but examples of the
use of the function calls can be found, except for
obvious extentions. 

Mistakes were made.  If I did it again I would create a
canvas class (a drawable) and derive pixmap and windows
from this.

Ther purpose of the system was 1) Learn X11, I will be
working on it for a living within 4 weeks and 2) Do
some more work in C++.
