[comp.lang.c++] Parametrized Types

marti@ethz.UUCP (Robert Marti) (05/09/89)

Recently, there has been some discussion concerning Release 2.0 of
AT&T C++.  Can anybody out there tell me if cfront 2.0 can handle
parametrized types?  For that matter, do we have to wait for a paper
on the differences between 1.0 and 2.0 till the release date or is
such a paper available sooner than that?
Robert Marti                      Phone:      +41 1 256 52 36
Institut fur Informationssysteme
ETH-Zentrum                       CSNET/ARPA: marti%inf.ethz.ch@relay.cs.net
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland       UUCP:       ...uunet!mcvax!ethz!marti

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (05/11/89)

In article <861@ethz.UUCP>, marti@ethz.UUCP (Robert Marti) writes:
> Recently, there has been some discussion concerning Release 2.0 of
> AT&T C++.  Can anybody out there tell me if cfront 2.0 can handle
> parametrized types?

	It doesn't.
			For that matter, do we have to wait for a paper
> on the differences between 1.0 and 2.0 till the release date or is
> such a paper available sooner than that?

The paper exists, but publication delays being what they are, it
probably won't be available until about the same time C++ 2.0 is.

Meanwhile, much (but not all) of the new stuff is described in

	B. Stroustrup: The Evolution of C++: 1985-1987
	Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop 1987
				--Andrew Koenig