[comp.lang.c++] "OOP, C++ books, compilers recommendations sought"

slores@umiami.miami.edu (Stanislaw L. Olejniczak) (05/11/89)

In article <301@odi.UUCP>, dlw@odi.UUCP (Dan Weinreb) writes:
>> Imagine a linear algebra package with Matrix and Vector classes.
> All I meant was that I didn't think students in an *introductory* o-o
> programming course would be writing such a linear algebra package.

This is the last message I read about the C++ books.  I would like to ask
_anyone_ if a summary of such book recommendations existed, and if so, how
may I get it.

More than that, however, I would like to extend the question and the
request: I am interested in learning OOP, and C++.  I have no access to
classroom teaching of either at this time.  I think I can do best by
learning both OOP and C++ at the same time.  I know C, so I hope the
transition will not be too painful.  I would like to ask for
recommendations for _both_ books and C++ compilers _for this purpose_. 

Thanks in advance.

If you would like a summary, please send email with the header COOP SUM.
Stan Olejniczak           Internet:    slores@umiami.miami.edu
University of Miami       UUCP:        {uunet!gould}!umbio!solejni
Miami, Florida, USA       BITNET:      SLORES@UMIAMI
Voice: (305)-547-6571     FAX:305-547-4612
My opinions cannot possibly represent the views of anyone else!