[comp.lang.c++] cfront 1.2.1 bug?

al@watsup.waterloo.edu (Al Vermeulen) (05/11/89)

Could someone please explain to me what is wrong with this code?  It seems
innocent enough.  Does it compile with cfront 2.0?  To get around this
problem I've been passing references to functions like func and then 
creating a local variable in func (gross, eh?).

struct A {
    A::A( A& )   {}

void func( A )

void func2()
  A a;

cfront 1.2.1 says:
"weird.cc", line 13: error:  argument  1 of type A & expected for A::A()
1 error


Al Vermeulen (al@watsup, ahvermen@watcgl)

jss@hector.UUCP (Jerry Schwarz) (05/11/89)

In article <9640@watcgl.waterloo.edu> al@watsup.waterloo.edu (Al Vermeulen) 
asks for help in understanding why some code fails to compile.

I have simplified his example slightly 

struct A { 
	A( A& ) ;  

void func2()
	A a; //  This declaration is rejected

C++ normally "synthesizes" two constructors for a class A.  The one
with no arguments and the one with an A& argument.  When you declare
any constructor  C++ assumes that you want to specify all the
constructors and therefore does not synthesize any.

The declaration of a requires such a constructor with no arguments.

To solve the problem you need to add a definition of the constructor
with no arguments.

struct A {
	A(A&) ;
	A() { } 
} ;

Jerry Schwarz
AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (05/11/89)

In article <9640@watcgl.waterloo.edu>, al@watsup.waterloo.edu (Al Vermeulen) writes:

> Could someone please explain to me what is wrong with this code?  It seems

	struct A {
	    A::A( A& )   {}

When you declare a class with a constructor, the compiler
automatically removes the void constructor that you otherwise
get by default.  That is, because you defined A::A(A&),
you must also explicitly define A::A() if you want it.
	void func( A )
	void func2()
	  A a;

You have declared an A object without an initializer.  This tried
to call A::A(), which doesn't exist.  Hence it's an error.

				--Andrew Koenig

dan@oresoft.uu.net (Daniel Elbaum) (05/12/89)

In article <9640@watcgl.waterloo.edu> al@watsup.waterloo.edu (Al Vermeulen) writes:
	Could someone please explain to me what is wrong with this code?
	It seems innocent enough.  Does it compile with cfront 2.0?  To
	get around this problem I've been passing references to functions
	like func and then creating a local variable in func (gross, eh?).
	struct A {
	    A::A( A& )   {}		//	Use A( A& ) {} instead
	void func( A )
	void func2()
	  A a;		// this constructor call needs an argument

Since you've defined a constructor for A, any definition of an
instantiation of an A will cause it to be called.  Since the
defined constructor takes an argument, Cfront is rightly asking
for one to go with the declaration of a.  Func2() should look
like this:

void func2()
	A a(a);
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