[comp.lang.c++] references in aggregates

schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (05/11/89)

Is it possible to declare an aggregate containing references?
Something like
	Class& vec[] = ???  
is what I had in mind, but don't see how to make the initializations
work out.
Scott Schwartz		<schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu>	"Imake is a cruel hoax" 

turner@sdti.SDTI.COM (Prescott K. Turner) (05/12/89)

In article <4569@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu> schwartz@shire.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) writes:
>Is it possible to declare an aggregate containing references?
>Something like
>	Class& vec[] = ???  
>is what I had in mind, but don't see how to make the initializations
>work out.

Arrays of references are not allowed.  But a reference can be a member of
a class, just initialize it in the base/member initializer.
        int n;
        class C {
           int & intref;
           C () : intref (n) {}
Prescott K. Turner, Jr.
Software Development Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, Sudbury, MA 01776 USA         (508) 443-5779
UUCP: ...{harvard,mit-eddie}!sdti!turner    Internet: turner@sdti.sdti.com