[comp.lang.c++] istream conversion operator

leo@atcmp.nl (Leo Willems) (05/25/89)

	int i;
	while ( cin >> i) 

the expression  ``cin >> i'' gives as result an istream&.
That's the part I understand.

This istream& (which represents an istream object) is converted
using  ``operator istream*() { return _eof < state ? 0 : this; }''
to give a value which can be used in a while expression

My question is: Why does this conversion take  place? There is no
assignment involved (i.e. to a void*) from which the type system can decide
which conversion is appropriate.

The only explanation I can give is that class istream has only one 
conversion operator so there isn't much choise.

	1) if my explanation is incorrect, then where did I go wrong
	2) correct or not: the returning ``this'' from the  conversion
	   operator is a pointer, not a reference. Does is get converted
	   somehow to a reference?

Leo Willems				Internet: leo@atcmp.nl
AT Computing				UUCP:     mcvax!hp4nl!kunivv1!atcmpe!leo
P. O. Box 1428				
6501 BK  Nijmegen
The Netherlands

jss@hector.UUCP (Jerry Schwarz) (05/26/89)

In article <522@atcmpe.atcmp.nl> leo@atcmp.nl (Leo  Willems)
considers code that looks like

	while ( cin >> i)  ...

The istream& returned by the extraction operator(>>) gets converted
to a void* by operator void*::istream.

>My question is: Why does this conversion take  place? There is no
>assignment involved (i.e. to a void*) from which the type system can decide
>which conversion is appropriate.

In C++ conversions can arise implicitly in many contexts other than
the right hand side of assignment.

In particular in "boolean context", if the type of the expression is
not one that can be tested against zero (arithmetic or pointer type)
then C++ tries to convert it with a user defined conversion operator.
If there is more than one such conversion operator that converts to a
type that can be tested against 0, then there is an ambiguity.

Boolean contexts are (unless I've overlooked something):
	expression in an if statement
	expression in a while statement
	expression in a repeat until statement
	2nd expression in a for statement
	either operand of logical operators (&&, ||)

Jerry Schwarz
AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill