[comp.lang.c++] GNU for Apollos

guyc@tekchips.LABS.TEK.COM (guy cherry) (06/05/89)

I understand that Apollo is not represented on the GNU distributions.
Does anyone have a version of g++ (and gdb) for an Apollo.  Does
anyone have any experience with this port?  I've seen this question
asked before - but never saw an answer so sorry if I'm boring everyone 
with something that has already been through. 
Usenet:	    [ucbvax,decvax,hplabs]!tektronix!tekchips.labs.tek.com!guyc
Email:	    guyc@tekchips.labs.tek.com
US Mail:    Guy Cherry, Computer Research Lab, Tektronix, Inc.  
                Box 500  MS 50-662, Beaverton OR 97077
Phone:	    503-627-1123