[comp.lang.c++] What would a man page for a class look like?

rob@PacBell.COM (Rob Bernardo) (06/06/89)

I've just started using C++, but I have not yet seen a man page
for a class and was wondering how a class would be documented via
traditional UNIX man page.
Rob Bernardo, Pacific Bell UNIX/C Reusable Code Library
Email:     ...![backbone]!pacbell!pbhyf!rob   OR  rob@pbhyf.PacBell.COM
Office:    (415) 823-2417  Room 4E850O San Ramon Valley Administrative Center
Residence: (415) 827-4301  R Bar JB, Concord, California

sms@ficc.uu.net (Stanley M. Sutton) (06/09/89)

I second the request to post the macro package, if possible.
Stanley M. Sutton, Service & Test, Ferranti International Controls Corp.
Work: uunet.uu.net!ficc!sms,     sms@ficc.uu.net, +1 713 274 5023
Home: bigtex!texbell!sugar!sms,     sms@sugar.hackercorp.com
Opinions may not represent the policies of FICC or Service and Test.

seindal@skinfaxe.diku.dk (Rene' Seindal) (06/10/89)

rob@PacBell.COM (Rob Bernardo) writes:

> I've just started using C++, but I have not yet seen a man page
> for a class and was wondering how a class would be documented via
> traditional UNIX man page.

Try to look at the man pages from InterViews.  I find the quite readable and
easy to use.  The all follow the same scheme.  Here's an example:

     Frame, TitleFrame, BorderFrame,  ShadowFrame  -  surrounding

     #include <InterViews/frame.h>

     A frame  is  a  monoscene  subclass  that  outlines  another
     interactor.   A title frame provides a banner in addition to
     the outline and highlights the banner when  the  frame  con-
     tains  the  input  focus.   A border frame draws the outline
     using a solid pattern when it contains the input  focus  and
     using  a  gray  pattern  otherwise.  A shadow frame draws an
     outline with a drop shadow.

     Frame(Interactor*, int width = 1)
          Construct a frame.  If the given interactor is not nil,
          it  is  inserted  as  the frame's component.  The frame
          extends width pixels outside of the interactor.

     TitleFrame(Banner*, Interactor*, int width = 1)
          Construct a title frame with the given banner.

     BorderFrame(Interactor*, int width = 1)
          Construct a border frame.

     ShadowFrame(Interactor*, int h = 1, int v = 1)
          Construct a shadow frame.   The  h  and  v  ShadowFrame
          parameters  specify  the  width  of  the horizontal and
          vertical shadows, respectively.   Positive  values  for
          these  parameters  specify shadows falling to the right
          and below the interactor, respectively; negative values
          specify shadows falling to the left and above.

     virtual void HandleInput(Event&)
          A frame listens for OnEvent and OffEvent to detect when
          it  has  input  focus.   When  an  OnEvent is received,
          Frame::Handle calls Highlight(true); when  an  OffEvent
          is  received, it calls Highlight(false).  For any other
          event, it calls HandleInput.   Frame::HandleInput  does

     virtual void Highlight(boolean)
          The base class Highlight operation does nothing.

     Frame(Interactor*, int, int, int, int)
          This constructor is used by  subclasses  to  explicitly
          set  the  widths  of  each  line  in  the outline.  The
          integers specify the width of the left, bottom,  right,
       	  and top lines, respectively.

     Banner(3I), Event(3I), Scene(3I)

InterViews          Last change: 15 June 1987                   2

Rene' Seindal (seindal@diku.dk).