[comp.lang.c++] deallocating an array of objects

rpj@redcloud.cad.mcc.com (Rich Johns) (06/16/89)


class Foo {

 Foo() { /*stuff*/}
 ~Foo() { /* stuff*/}



main() {
 Foo** fooArray = nil;
 fooArray = new Foo*[100];

// do something


My question has to do with deallocating fooArray. If I am not concerned with
deleting the contents of fooArray (the 100 Foos), it seems like:

delete fooArray;

is correct. If I did  want to delete the 100 Foos, would this be correct:

delete [100]fooArray;

or would I have to:

  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    delete fooArray[i];
  delete fooArray;

Would the answer be different if Foo does not have a
constructor and destructor? 


Rich Johns, MCC CAD Program | 3500 W. Balcones Center Dr., Austin, TX 78759
ARPA: johns@mcc.com         | Phone: [512] 338-3714
UUCP: {uunet,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!johns

shopiro@alice.UUCP (Jonathan Shopiro) (06/17/89)

In article <1245@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, rpj@redcloud.cad.mcc.com (Rich Johns) writes:
- Assume:
- class Foo {
-  Foo() { /*stuff*/}
-  ~Foo() { /* stuff*/}
- };
- main() {
-  Foo** fooArray = 0;
-  fooArray = new Foo*[100];  // fooArray points to 100 uninitialized pointers
- // do something
- }
- My question has to do with deallocating fooArray. If I am not concerned with
- deleting the contents of fooArray (the 100 Foos), it seems like:
Your problem is fooArray does not contain 100 Foos, it contains 100 pointers to
- delete fooArray;
This works if the delete mechanism doesn't need to know how the size of
the object being deleted.  (Universally true, I believe).
- is correct. If I did  want to delete the 100 Foos, would this be correct:
- delete [100]fooArray;
This works too, but it doesn't delete the pointed-to Foos.
- or would I have to:
-   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-     delete fooArray[i];
-   }
This deletes the pointed-to Foos (and they better be there to delete)
-   delete fooArray;
This deletes the array of pointers.  Use the more explicit
``delete [100] fooArray'' as a good habit.
- Would the answer be different if Foo does not have a
- constructor and destructor?

		Jonathan Shopiro
		AT&T Bell Laboratories, Warren, NJ  07060-0908
		research!shopiro   (201) 580-4229

dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) (06/20/89)

In article <9500@alice.UUCP>, Jonathan Shopiro writes:
+ In article <1245@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, rpj@redcloud.cad.mcc.com (Rich Johns) writes:
+ - 
+ -  Assume:
+ - 
+ - class Foo {
+ -  Foo() { /*stuff*/}
+ -  ~Foo() { /* stuff*/}
+ - };
+ - 
+ - main() {
+ -  Foo** fooArray = 0;
+ -  fooArray = new Foo*[100];  // fooArray points to 100 uninitialized pointers
+ - 
+ - // do something
+ - 
+ - }
+ - 
+ - My question has to do with deallocating fooArray. If I am not concerned with...

+ - delete [100]fooArray;
+ This works too, but it doesn't delete the pointed-to Foos.
+ - 
+ - or would I have to:
+ - 
+ -   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ -     delete fooArray[i];
+ -   }

+ This deletes the pointed-to Foos (and they better be there to delete)

  If the pointed-to Foos are not there, and each element of FooArray
is NULL, will 

delete fooArray[i];

do any harm?  I was under the impression that delete, when applied
to NULL does nothing.
~ David Geary, Boeing Aerospace, Seattle                 ~ 
~ "I wish I lived where it *only* rains 364 days a year" ~

shopiro@alice.UUCP (Jonathan Shopiro) (06/21/89)

In article <2735@ssc-vax.UUCP>, dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) writes:
> In article <9500@alice.UUCP>, Jonathan Shopiro writes:
> + In article <1245@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, rpj@redcloud.cad.mcc.com (Rich Johns) writes:
> ...
> + -   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
> + -     delete fooArray[i];
> + -   }
> + This deletes the pointed-to Foos (and they better be there to delete)
>                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   If the pointed-to Foos are not there, and each element of FooArray
> is NULL, will 
> delete fooArray[i];
> do any harm?  I was under the impression that delete, when applied
> to NULL does nothing.

Quite so.  In the original example, they weren't null, they were

I think it is unfortunate that the language guarantees that delete can
be applied to null harmlessly (the compiler has to generate code to
check for null every time) and I think it is bad form to apply delete
to null pointers.


		Jonathan Shopiro
		AT&T Bell Laboratories, Warren, NJ  07060-0908
		research!shopiro   (201) 580-4229