[comp.lang.c++] Call for Papers: C++ at Work

rbm@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (robert.murray) (06/21/89)

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                        C++ AT WORK - '89

          A conference presented by The C++ Report and
               Wang Institute of Boston University

                   Nov. 6-8, 1989   Boston, MA

This intensive 3 day conference  features  educational  seminars,
product demonstrations, and tutorials.  Additionally, a technical
program  of  10  peer-reviewed  papers  will  be  presented   and
published  in  the  conference  proceedings.   This conference is
designed for novice programmers interested in C++ as well as  for
experienced C++ users.

Papers are being solicited on all aspects of C++, including

     Programming environments
     Design methodologies
     Teaching C++
     Class libraries
     User interfaces

Papers due: August 22, 1989

Notification of acceptance: September 19, 1989

Camera-ready copy: October 1, 1989

Manuscripts should be double-spaced (in triplicate)  and  camera-
ready,  if possible. Papers should be limited to 20 double-spaced
pages.  Please include a short abstract and an IBM format  floppy
disk  or  a  Macintosh  disk  containing  the paper, if possible.
Include with the  paper  your  affiliation,  address,  and  phone

Papers should be submitted to:

Dr. Richard Wiener
PO Box 6338
773 Woodland West Drive
Woodland Park, CO 80866.