[comp.lang.c++] C++ Interpreter

gag@chinet.chi.il.us (Gregory A. Gulik) (03/04/89)

Is there such a thing as a C++ compiler written in C??  ..or something

If you know of any, especially if they are public domain, can you
either email me the info, or the source??  Or is it posted anywere??


Gregory Gulik


wscd@cgch.UUCP (Dirk Schwarz-Hertzner) (06/19/89)

Does anybody know the address of a distributor offering a C++ interpreter?
I would be glad to receive e-mail.
Thanks in advance.

Dirk Schwarz-Hertzner
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland

Internet: wscd%cgch.uucp@uunet.uu.net
UUCP:     wscd@cgch.uucp 
BITNET:   wscd%cgch.uucp@cernvax.bitnet

Tim_CDC_Roberts@cup.portal.com (06/22/89)

This is a somewhat naive question; I apologize if policy prevents a reply.

Let's say I have a brand X computer running brand X's operating system.
Also assume the presence of a C compiler.  To whom would I go to acquire
a C++ front end?  I am willing to perform the port myself, given modestly
"standard" C code for it.  How much would it cost?  Do companies providing
such source code require a "cut" of any redistribution of the final converted
product, or does my one-time license fee allow me to distribute the object
code at will?

Thanks for any help on this.  We (CDC) have quite a respectable C compiler
for NOS/VE, and one of our customers dearly wants to go to C++.  However,
this question does not represent any official inquiries and should not be
construed as incurring any obligations on the part of Control Data.

Tim_CDC_Roberts@cup.portal.com                | Control Data...
...!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!tim_cdc_roberts |   ...or it will control you.
     Waiting for "Star Trek VI: Now We're REALLY Getting Old"