[comp.lang.c++] InterViews References

goss@ese.essex.ac.uk (Gossain Sanjiv) (06/16/89)

Does anyone know of any references for Interviews?

Please reply via email - thanks.

- Sanjiv Gossain

Sanjiv Gossain		| goss%ese.essex.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Dept. of ESE		| Tel: +44 206 873333 Ext. 2820
University Of Essex			
Colchester CO4 3SQ			

david@cullsj.UUCP (David Taylor) (06/22/89)

In article <1138@servax0.essex.ac.uk>, goss@ese.essex.ac.uk (Gossain Sanjiv) writes:
> Does anyone know of any references for Interviews?
"Composing User Interfaces with Interviews"
Mark A. Linton, John M. Vlissides, and Paul R. Calder
IEEE Computer, Feb. 1989 Vol 22 no. 2

Author address listed as:
Mark Linton
Center for Integrated Systems
Rm. 213
Stanford University
Stanford CA 94305

Good luck,
david l. taylor

simpson@trwarcadia.uucp (Scott Simpson) (06/24/89)

In article <616@cullsj.UUCP> david@cullsj.UUCP (David Taylor) writes:
>In article <1138@servax0.essex.ac.uk>, goss@ese.essex.ac.uk (Gossain Sanjiv) writes:
>> Does anyone know of any references for Interviews?
>"Composing User Interfaces with Interviews"
>Mark A. Linton, John M. Vlissides, and Paul R. Calder
>IEEE Computer, Feb. 1989 Vol 22 no. 2

This paper, and the papers

"InterViews: A C++ Graphical Interface Toolkit", Mark A. Linton,
Paul R. Calder, and John M Vlissides, Stanford University, (An early
version of this paper appears in Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, November, 1987)


"Applying Object-Oriented Design to Structured Graphics", John M.
Vlissides and Mark A. Linton, Stanford University (Appears in the Proceedings
of the USENIX C++ Conference, Denver, Colorado, October, 1988)

come with the InterViews distribution on interviews.stanford.edu.
Reference manual pages and a set of slides on InterViews come on there also.
You can get on the InterViews mailing list by mailing to

You may also wish to look at ET++, which is a toolkit that is somewhat like
InterViews.  The paper to read is

"ET++ - An Object-Oriented Application Framework in C++", Andre Weinand,
Erich Gamma, Rudolf Marty, Institute for Informatics, University of Zurich,
Zurich Switzerland.  (This paper appears in OOPSLA '88 Conference Proceedings,
September 25-30, 1988, San Diego, California).

ET++ is based on MacApp and runs under SunView (although an X port is planned
and may be completed by now.)  Brown University did a comparison of 
InterViews, ET++ and some other toolkits but I cannot give you a reference
on that paper because we have not received it yet.  Perhaps someone else can
	Scott Simpson
	TRW Space and Defense Sector
	oberon!trwarcadia!simpson  	(UUCP)
	trwarcadia!simpson@usc.edu	(Internet)

simpson@trwarcadia.uucp (Scott Simpson) (06/24/89)

I forgot, ET++ is available on cayuga.cs.rochester.edu for US sites.
	Scott Simpson
	TRW Space and Defense Sector
	oberon!trwarcadia!simpson  	(UUCP)
	trwarcadia!simpson@usc.edu	(Internet)