[comp.lang.c++] Lippmann-Book

toelle@quando.UUCP (Wolfgang Toelle) (06/26/89)

Somebody mentioned a book from Lippmann explaining
C++/V2.0. You someone please tell me the
exact title and name and possibly other good
books covering V2.0.

Thanks Wolfgang


ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (06/27/89)

In article <783@quando.UUCP>, toelle@quando.UUCP (Wolfgang Toelle) writes:

> Somebody mentioned a book from Lippmann explaining
> C++/V2.0.

Title:		C++ Primer
Author:		Stan Lippman [one `n']
Publisher:	Addison-Wesley
ISBN:		0-201-16487-6
				--Andrew Koenig