[comp.lang.c++] reference for c++ 2.0

baud@eedsp.gatech.edu (Kurt Baudendistel) (06/29/89)

Having used ``The C++ Programming Language'' as my learning tool
and reference for pre-2.0 versions of C++, what should I use
to update my knowledge and reference source for version 2.0?
[a recommendatation by bjarne would be most enlightening, but all
responses will be useful].

Kurt Baudendistel --- GRA
Georgia Tech, School of Electrical Engineering, Atlanta, GA  30332
uucp:  ...!{allegra,hplabs,ulysses}!gatech!gt-eedsp!baud
internet: baud%gt-eedsp@gatech.edu

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/29/89)

You can buy a 2.0 reference manual from AT&T. I don't know the price.
One way of reaching AT&T is the number in the footnote on page 2 of
my book. The title is (in its full horror):

	UNIX(R) System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0
	Product Reference Manual, Select code 307-146

I'm working on a book that will contain an annotated reference manual
and be much more available, but for the moments this is the best source.

ontologi@bu-tyng.bu.edu (Michael J. Vilot) (06/30/89)

I highly recommend Stan Lippman's "C++ Primer".
It is not only a lucid presentation of the language, but also a unified
presentation of C++ as it exists today (2.0 release of `cfront').
A separate appendix covers parameterized types (any takers on when 3.0 
will appear?)


rhashimoto@pitstop.West.Sun.COM (Roy T. Hashimoto) (06/30/89)

In article <9544@alice.UUCP> bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
>You can buy a 2.0 reference manual from AT&T. I don't know the price.
>One way of reaching AT&T is the number in the footnote on page 2 of
>my book. The title is (in its full horror):
>	UNIX(R) System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0
>	Product Reference Manual, Select code 307-146
>I'm working on a book that will contain an annotated reference manual
>and be much more available, but for the moments this is the best source.

I called this morning ans was referred to 1-800-432-6600.  I was told
that a price has not been set for the manual so it cannot be ordered
yet.  The person I spoke with suggested trying again next week.

This 800 number is apparently the right one for ordering the manual.
The manual, when available, may be charged to a credit card.

Roy T. Hashimoto