[comp.lang.c++] C++ for MS-DOS

dnwiebe@cis.ohio-state.edu (Dan N Wiebe) (07/04/89)

	I am a C programmer learning C++ and becoming very taken with it.  I'm
using the GNU C++ compiler on a Sun system, with the GNU C++ class library.
I would like to get a version of C++ for my home PC (a garden-variety 8MHz
640K EGA 8086 clone with 30MB).  I've heard about two commercial C++ compilers,
one distributed by Zortech and the other by Guidelines, for MSDOS.  However,
I have heard practically nothing about either of these compilers except the
fact that they exist, and that from mail-order advertisements in computer
magazines (PC Magazine, PC World, Computer Language, etc.).  I can't seem to
find reviews anywhere.
	If anyone out there has experience with a particular MSDOS C++
compiler (either one of the two I mentioned or some other that I don't know
about), I would be much obliged if you would send me (via e-mail--I'm not a
newsgroup subscriber) your opinion on whatever compiler(s) you have used.
If you describe something other than Zortech or Guidelines C++, please include
price information.
	Thank you much.
	I can be reached at this address (dnwiebe@cis.ohio-state.edu), but
if possible I would prefer to receive replies at dnw@oclcrsun.bitnet.
	Thanks again.

Dan Wiebe