[comp.lang.c++] Exception handling and transaction management?

bhagwan@voodoo.UUCP (The Bhagwan) (06/23/89)


	A vendor sent me a literature package including a reprint
	of the Release 1.0 newsletter. Here's a quote from it:

	"...features missing in C++ such as iterations (for handling
	collections), exception handling and robust transaction

	Can someone explain what exception handling is. I've heard this
	mentioned a number of times but do not really understand the
	concept as it applies to C++.

	Also, what's this "transaction management" stuff? Iterations?
	I'd call the people that publish the newsletter but I think
	I'll get more information in this forum.

Al McPherson		     Member Holstein Aerobatic Team
Boeing Computer Services     ...uw-beaver!ssc-vax!voodoo!bhagwan
P.O. Box 24346   MS: 6M-49   Seattle, WA  98124	   (206) 234-7825

grunwald@flute.cs.uiuc.edu (Dirk Grunwald) (06/25/89)

re: iterations

	basically, some linguistic concept that allows you to iterate
	over the contents of a class, e..g, a bag, a list, a whatever.

	while it's true that C++ doesn't have iterators, it's not clear
	that it needs them. Libg++ has the Pix (pseudo-index) class
	that resolves this problem (albeit, perhpas not as `nicely'
	as the iterators in clu).

	this is an important concept, but it's not clear that it needs
	linguistic methods to be possible.

re: exceptions	
	this, on the other hand, needs linguistic support. Basically,
	you want to say something like ``execute this <stuff>, and if
	you fail for some reason do this to recover''

	e.g., using the ``posit'' notation
		open file
	   exception <read_only>
		print error message
		maybe signal another error
	   exception <no file descriptors left>
		close another open file & reloop

	exception handling can have either dynamic or static binding for
	exception names. you need to be able to ``unwind'' a stack when
	you've installed an exception handler.

	these aren't like signals in UNIX, because signals allow you to
	restart when you complete the signal handler. A formailism for
	that would be very nice too.

re: robust transaction processing
	mayhaps atomic actions? If you have exceptions & some concurrency
	mechanism, you can cover this up.

Dirk Grunwald -- Univ. of Illinois 		  (grunwald@flute.cs.uiuc.edu)

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (07/06/89)

>re: iterations
>	basically, some linguistic concept that allows you to iterate
>	over the contents of a class, e..g, a bag, a list, a whatever.
>	while it's true that C++ doesn't have iterators, it's not clear
>	that it needs them. Libg++ has the Pix (pseudo-index) class
>	that resolves this problem (albeit, perhpas not as `nicely'
>	as the iterators in clu).
>	this is an important concept, but it's not clear that it needs
>	linguistic methods to be possible.

The emerging standard for iterators seems to be overloading operator()()
to provide interation.

See Lippman pgs 260-261, among other examples.  Then iteration becomes
something like:

anObject myInstance;
CollectionClass myCollection;


while (myInstance = myCollection())

>re: exceptions	

Lippman pg 24 mentions "handle" -- actually changed since to "catch" -- but I
haven't found this keyword discussed anywhere.  Does anyone know if this
relates to exception handling?

schmidt@zola.ics.uci.edu (Doug Schmidt) (07/06/89)

In article <6590181@hplsla.HP.COM>, jima@hplsla (Jim Adcock) writes:
>>re: iterations
>>  basically, some linguistic concept that allows you to iterate
>>  over the contents of a class, e..g, a bag, a list, a whatever.
>>  while it's true that C++ doesn't have iterators, it's not clear
>>  that it needs them. Libg++ has the Pix (pseudo-index) class
>>  that resolves this problem (albeit, perhpas not as `nicely'
>>  as the iterators in clu).
>>  this is an important concept, but it's not clear that it needs
>>  linguistic methods to be possible.
>The emerging standard for iterators seems to be overloading operator()()
>to provide interation.

There is a group of researchers at the University of Wisconsin that
are implementing an interesting C++ superset called E (I guess that's
really (C += 2) ;-)).  One useful extension they've added is Clu-style

Here's a contrived example that demonstrates the usage:

iterator char *getstr (char **argv)
  while (*argv)
    yield *argv++;

main (int argc, char **argv)
  iterate (char *s = getstr (argv))
    printf ("item = %s\n", s);

The C++ syntax is quite clean (although the underlying generated C
implementation is pretty hairy).

In addition to iterators, the main language extensions that E provides
are generic classes (sort of like the templates described in
Stroustrup's paper), persistent data base types, and
honest-to-goodness nested classes (the way they are *supposed* to
work, i.e., like nested records in Ada or Pascal!!).

There is a tech report that describes the E language, also.

Doug Schmidt
Master Swordsman speak of humility;             | schmidt@ics.uci.edu (ARPA)
Philosophers speak of truth;                    | office: (714) 856-4034
Saints and wisemen speak of the Tao of no doubt;
The moon, sun, and sea speaks for itself. -- Hiroshi Hamada

schmidt@zola.ics.uci.edu (Doug Schmidt) (07/08/89)

In article <19176@paris.ics.uci.edu>, schmidt@zola (Doug Schmidt) writes:
>There is a tech report that describes the E language, also.

A number of people have asked me how to get details on E.  The
official channel for obtaining more information about E and Exodus, is
professor David DeWitt, (dewitt@cs.wisc.edu).  He encourages people to
contact him about obtaining a copy of the E compiler.

The title of the main E tech-report is:

``The Design of the E Programming Language'' by
Joel E. Richardson, Michael J. Carey, and Daniel T. Schuh

from the Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706

Doug Schmidt
Master Swordsman speak of humility;             | schmidt@ics.uci.edu (ARPA)
Philosophers speak of truth;                    | office: (714) 856-4034
Saints and wisemen speak of the Tao of no doubt;
The moon, sun, and sea speaks for itself. -- Hiroshi Hamada