[comp.lang.c++] DOS C++: Advantage/Glockenspiel/Zortech ?

mveh2@cbnews.ATT.COM (edward.holdgate.iv) (06/30/89)

Hello, World.
I have the Lifeboat Associates==Glockenspeil==Advantage C++ product for
MS-DOS.  It is a beta release from late 1987.  A letter that came
with the product says that the production version will be forthcoming
"real soon now."  

Now I find that Lifeboat Associates (suppliers of the Lattice C compiler)
has discontinued their "sponsorship" of the product.  I understand that
Glockenspeil (in Ireland) continues support of the product.

QUESTION:  Does anyone know what happened?  Does anyone know the status
and future prospects of this Glockenspiel/Advantage C++ product?

I am considering changing to another MS-DOS C++ pre-processor/translator

QUESTION:  Does anyone have advice about changing to either Zortech C++
or Guidelines C++?  Are there any other DOS based C++ pre-proc/trans/compilers?

Thank you for input.  

Apply all disclaimers as soon as possible.		Ed Holdgate AT&T MVW

or Guidelines 

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (07/02/89)

From article <7898@cbnews.ATT.COM>, by mveh2@cbnews.ATT.COM (edward.holdgate.iv):
> I am considering changing to another MS-DOS C++ pre-processor/translator
> package.  
> QUESTION:  Does anyone have advice about changing to either Zortech C++
> or Guidelines C++?  Are there any other DOS based C++ 
> pre-proc/trans/compilers?

Yes.  We at Intek have adapted AT&T C++ to 80386-extended DOS, meaning we
can compile REALLY LARGE programs.   We support the Microsoft, Turbo, and
Metaware High C 386 compilers; others support only Microsoft.

I'd give advice, but I'm afraid it might be construed as prejudiced ... :)

Mark McWiggins
Integration Technologies, Inc. (Intek)
1400 112th Ave. SE #202
Bellevue WA  98004
(206) 455-9935

ontologi@bu-tyng.bu.edu (Michael J. Vilot) (07/02/89)

In article <7898@cbnews.ATT.COM> mveh2@cbnews.ATT.COM (edward.holdgate.iv) writes:
>I have the Lifeboat Associates==Glockenspeil==Advantage C++ product for
>Glockenspeil (in Ireland) continues support of the product.
>QUESTION:  Does anyone know what happened?  Does anyone know the status
>and future prospects of this Glockenspiel/Advantage C++ product?

Glockenspiel have disentangled themselves from a very unfavorable distribution
and marketing arrangement.  Their new US representation is a company called
ImageSoft (2 Haven Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050, (516)767-2233).
Another development is a close alliance between Glockenspiel and MicroSoft,
who are using the Glockenspiel C++ internally (at least, until they develop
their own ;-)

The latest version of their `cfront' derivative for DOS & OS/2 comes bundled
in the product called "CommonView".  The package also includes a C++ class
library for user interface development (the library works with either MS
Windows or Presentation Manager, hence the name), and a public domain set of
collection classes.

>QUESTION:  Does anyone have advice about changing to either Zortech C++
>or Guidelines C++?  Are there any other DOS based C++ pre-proc/trans/compilers?

It's difficult to give any advice without more specifics regarding your
circumstances and proposed application of the language.  But, if you plan
to use the MS Windows product, you might consider CommonView -- it should
save you a lot of work.

I am not aware of any other DOS C++ products.  For now, it's either a `cfront'
derivative or the Zortech compiler.
While I have heard negative comments about Zortech's product, I have also 
heard them claim that later releases cure the cited ills.  
For more information, you might look at the product review section in 
Rob Murray's C++ Report.

Hope this helps,

Michael Vilot			ontologi@bu-tyng.bu.com
ObjectWare, Inc.		BIX:  mvilot
16 Warton Rd.
Nashua, NH  03062-2537		(603)888-4729
Michael Vilot			ontologi@bu-tyng.bu.com
ObjectWare, Inc.		BIX:  mvilot
16 Warton Rd.
Nashua, NH  03062-2537		(603)888-4729

grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) (07/04/89)

>From: mveh2@cbnews.ATT.COM (edward.holdgate.iv)
>Subject: DOS C++: Advantage/Glockenspiel/Zortech ?
>QUESTION:  Does anyone have advice about changing to either Zortech C++
>or Guidelines C++?  Are there any other DOS based C++ pre-proc/trans/compilers?

I have been using Zortech C++ (1.07) to get into the language and I enjoyed using it.

Zortech is easy to install and run. All Documentation is contained in one manual. It
offers a programming environment similar to Turbo Pascal (compile from within the
editor etc.), but here you can edit 5 files a time which I think is very helpfull.
Zortech compiles C++ directly to object - that's really fast. They sell their 
library source code. Their optional C++ Tools package offers container classes 
(queues etc.), text windows etc. - and you get all its source code. The tools manual
explains how to use them - and also discusses and explains the implementation. This 
was especially interesting for me as a C++ beginner.
Zortech's main disadvantage might be its low price compared with C++ preprocessors 
for PC's (if it ain't expensive it ain't good?). I heard plenty of rumours about the
bad quality of Zortech - does this relate to previous versions?.

I am currently using Glockenspiel, though. It's because of CommonView (an interface to
MS Windows) ans despite their compiler. 

I think C++ preprocessors work too slow as long as you don't have a fast PC. It uses 
about every byte of my PC's memory (640K). They main reason for preprocessors is 
portability - but PC's aren't that different? Glockenspiel takes about every byte of RAM -
I can't even use Glockenspiel's compile/link utility ccxx, as there isn't enough memory left 
for compiling... Instead I had to create batch files for compiling and linking.

However, I am impressed by its CommonView library - it makes MS Window programming
much easier.

>>The package [CommonView] also includes a C++ class library for user interface development 
>>(the library works with either MS Windows or Presentation Manager, hence the name).

They are working on CommonView for OSF/Motif, so porting CommonView applications
to X11 (for example) should be possible as well in the future. 

>> ... if you plan to use the MS Windows product, you might consider CommonView -- it 
>> should save you a lot of work.

I agree. Just compare CommonView's "Hello" programm (it opens a window and writes
a line of text into it) with hello.c in Microsoft's Window Development Kit.

>>While I have heard negative comments about Zortech's product, I have also 
>>heard them claim that later releases cure the cited ills.  

I would be interested to hear about specific problems with Zortech C++.



"Is there anything like a bug free C++ compiler?"

sarima@gryphon.COM (Stan Friesen) (07/08/89)

In article <1101@bu-tyng.bu.edu> ontologi@bu-tyng.UUCP (Michael J. Vilot) writes:
>Glockenspiel have disentangled themselves from a very unfavorable distribution
>and marketing arrangement.  Their new US representation is a company called
>ImageSoft (2 Haven Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050, (516)767-2233).

	Thanks, I was not looking forward to trying to call Ireland for
support!  What's the matter with Lifeboat? This is at least the *second*
time such a thing has happened to me with them.  The first time was when
they discontinued support for Lattice C.  Are they really screwing thier
suppliers that badly?  We users are certainly getting screwed.  By the
way, does ImageSoft support the Lattice C version of Advantage C++ or
only the Microsoft C version?   If they don't have Lattice C support
I will still have to go to Zortech.  Also, will ImageSoft honor my support
agreement with Lifeboat, or will I have to pay full retail price for an

>The latest version of their `cfront' derivative for DOS & OS/2 comes bundled
>in the product called "CommonView".  The package also includes a C++ class
>library for user interface development (the library works with either MS
>Windows or Presentation Manager, hence the name), and a public domain set of
>collection classes.
	This sounds very nice, but will it work *without* Windows?  After all
not all of us have it, or have any intent of buying it.

	Sigh, I am *through* trying to deal with Lifeboat. Twice screwed is
Sarima Cardolandion			sarima@gryphon.CTS.COM
aka Stanley Friesen			rutgers!marque!gryphon!sarima
					Sherman Oaks, CA

grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) (07/09/89)

/ otter:comp.lang.c++ / sarima@gryphon.COM (Stan Friesen) /  4:43 pm  Jul  8, 1989 /
In article <1101@bu-tyng.bu.edu> ontologi@bu-tyng.UUCP (Michael J. Vilot) writes:
>Glockenspiel have disentangled themselves from a very unfavorable distribution
>and marketing arrangement.  Their new US representation is a company called
>ImageSoft (2 Haven Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050, (516)767-2233).

	Thanks, I was not looking forward to trying to call Ireland for
support!  What's the matter with Lifeboat? This is at least the *second*
time such a thing has happened to me with them.  The first time was when
they discontinued support for Lattice C.  Are they really screwing thier
suppliers that badly?  We users are certainly getting screwed.  By the
way, does ImageSoft support the Lattice C version of Advantage C++ or
only the Microsoft C version?   If they don't have Lattice C support
I will still have to go to Zortech.  Also, will ImageSoft honor my support
agreement with Lifeboat, or will I have to pay full retail price for an

>The latest version of their `cfront' derivative for DOS & OS/2 comes bundled
>in the product called "CommonView".  The package also includes a C++ class
>library for user interface development (the library works with either MS
>Windows or Presentation Manager, hence the name), and a public domain set of
>collection classes.
	This sounds very nice, but will it work *without* Windows?  After all
not all of us have it, or have any intent of buying it.

	Sigh, I am *through* trying to deal with Lifeboat. Twice screwed is
Sarima Cardolandion			sarima@gryphon.CTS.COM
aka Stanley Friesen			rutgers!marque!gryphon!sarima
					Sherman Oaks, CA