[comp.lang.c++] ParcPlace C++ ObjectWorks

john@hhb.UUCP (John Sissler) (07/08/89)

	Are there any beta-users of C++ ObjectWorks who wish
	to comment on the quality and functionality of the
John Sissler			(201) 848-8000
HHB Systems
1000 Wyckoff Avenue,		uucp path:  princeton!hhb!john@uunet.uu.net
Mahwah, New Jersey  07430

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (07/11/89)

I'm not a beta user of this, nor do I know any, BUT, beta sites in general are 
typically restricted by legal agreement from commenting on what they find out 
about a beta product.

One can guess why a company might place these restrictions on beta sites --
beta sites might find more bugs than the final product, the final product might
change radically, a company might not want competitors to find out any more
about their product than necessary, a beta site might find out the truth about 
a product ... :-)