[comp.lang.c++] comparison of C++ and Objective C

jdchrist@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Dan Christensen) (07/08/89)

I am interested in the differences between C++ and Objective C.
I seem to hear a lot more about C++ than Objective C.  Is C++
likely to become quite common in the future, or are there other

I am sorry if this has been discussed before.  If it has, please
just e-mail me your opinions and/or a summary of what was discussed

Thanks in advance.

Dan Christensen, Computer Graphics Lab,	         jdchrist@watcgl.uwaterloo.ca
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.	         jdchrist@watcgl.waterloo.edu

jdchrist@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Dan Christensen) (07/13/89)

In article <10601@watcgl.waterloo.edu> I write:
>I am interested in the differences between C++ and Objective C.
>I seem to hear a lot more about C++ than Objective C.  Is C++
>likely to become quite common in the future, or are there other

I received this reply:

% From: Luke Whitaker <uunet!cs.city.ac.uk!luke@watmath>
% There is a good article by Craig Renfrew and Jon Malone called "A comparison 
% of Objective-C and C++" in the proceedings of the summer '89 technical 
% meeting of the UKUUG. (UKUUG = United Kingdom Unix User Group).
% To precis the precis, "It is found that C++ is more efficient but Objective-C
% has a more rational approach to object types".
% I have a postal address only for Craig Renfrew of Dept of Computer Science,
% Strathclyde university, 26 Richmond St, Livingston Tower, Glasgow, G1 1XH,
% Scotland, UK.
% Hope this helps,
% Luke Whitaker, Computer Science, City University, London, EC1V OHB, England.
% JANET:	l.whitaker@uk.ac.city.cs	BITNET:	l.whitaker%uk.ac.city.cs@ac.uk
% ARPA:	l.whitaker@cs.city.ac.uk (or l.whitaker%uk.ac.city.cs@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk)
% Uucp:	...!mcvax!ukc!citycs!luke	(or luke@citycs.uucp)

Dan Christensen, Computer Graphics Lab,	         jdchrist@watcgl.uwaterloo.ca
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.	         jdchrist@watcgl.waterloo.edu