[comp.lang.c++] Refs for: Re: Record layout for multiple inheritance

martin@minster.york.ac.uk (07/15/89)

 florman@randvax.UUCP (Bruce Florman) says:
>    I don't have any pointers to published material, but I can tell you 
> how I've gone about it in an object system that I wrote.  As it happens, 
> the system that I wrote was Lisp based, but the techniques are applicable 
> anywhere.....

and quite a good description of the mechanisms follows.

To the best of my knowledge these techniques originated with Stein Krogdahl,
who first considered them for Simula. Try looking in:

%T An Efficient implementation of Simula Classes with Multiple Prefixes
%A Stein Krogdahl
%I Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo
%R 83
%D June 1984
%X ISBN 82-90230-82-6

%T Multiple inheritance in Simula-like Languages
%A Stein Krogdahl
%J Bit
%V 25
%D 1985
%P 318-326

If anyone knows of uses of these techniques prior even to this, could
then please send me some references?  I like to reference the right person!


usenet: ...!mcvax!ukc!minster!martin
JANET:  martin@uk.ac.york.minster
	Martin C. Atkins
	Dept. of Computer Science
	University of York
	York YO1 5DD