[comp.lang.c++] C++ Design

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/14/89)

Producing a meaningful comparison of two (or more) languages is a difficult
task worthy of many months work (definitely involving actual programming in
both languages and consultation with diverse groups of people having completed
projects in both languages). When done well, such studies are good candidates
for a major papers and significant contributions to the culture surrounding
programming. When done badly such studies can be a sham and a travesty. It is
definitely not a job for novices and definitely not a job for people deeply
involved in one language (and not the others) or with other major demands on
their time.

So this note and the ones following discuss C++'s design and some C++
features in a way that I imagine might be helpful to someone trying to
compare C++ to other languages/systems or simply to get an idea of what
C++ is about and where to find more information.

For a more solid and considered treatment of C++ see the literature.
In particular, see my paper `What is Object-Oriented Programming?' that
can be found in the May'88 issue of IEEE Software magazine. This paper
essentially presents the view of what C++ is supposed to grow into. It
was first presented (in essentially its current form) to the Simula Users'
Group in Stockholm, August 1986. A more detailed look at some of the
directions in which C++ is growing can be found in `Possible Directions
for C++' in the Proceedings of the first USENIX C++ conference.

For a much more diverse view of C++ see the two proceedings from the two
USENIX C++ conferences. These papers have the advantage of providing
insights into C++ and its use from many different people - only a minority
of whom are affiliated with any of the C++ purveyors.

Other good sources of information about C++ are `The C++ Report' (a newsletter)
and Andrew Koenig's C++ column in the Journal of Object Oriented Programming.

Should any of this increase your interest to the point where reading a
textbook seems worth the effort here is a selection (in chronological order
more or less):

Stroustrup, Bjarne: "The C++ Programming Language," Addison-Wesley, 1986.

Wiener, Richard S., Pinson, Lewis J.: "An Introduction to Object-Oriented
	Programming and C++," Addison-Wesley, 1988.

Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming," Howard W. Sams & Company,

Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C programmers," Benjamin Cummings. 1989.

Dewhurst, Steve and Stark, Kathy: "Programming in C++," Prentice Hall,
	ISBN 0-13-723156-3.

Lippman, Stan: "A C++ Primer," Addison Wesley ISBN: 0-201-16487-6

Hansen, Tony: "The C++ Answer Book," Addison Wesley ISBN: 0-201-11497-6

Gorlen, Keith: "A Guide to Object-Oriented Programming in C++,"
	John Wiley & Sons (announced)
Eckel, Bruce: "Using C++," Osborne/McGraw-Hill (July, 1989)

Someone from Oregon Software occationally posts a rather complete C++
bibliography to comp.lang.c++.

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/14/89)

Given the widespread rumers (sic) to the contrary, it might be worth
pointing out that C++ was designed with a careful consideration of
principles such as type safety, consistency, encapsulation, orthogonality,
minimalism, and completeness. These ideals are, in particular, the reason
why C++ could not simple preprocessor adding a few features to an otherwise
untouched C. The need for a coherent and unified type system precludes that.

The stated aim for C++ (see the first paragraph of my book) is to ``make
programming more enjoyable for serious programmers.'' It does so by directly
attacking the problems that can make life miserable for a programmer or
a group of programmers: by providing support for good design, by allowing
ideas to be expressed directly in the language, by providing checking of
programs, by allowing the programmer to provide sufficient structure in
a program to make tools effective, by making good design and programming
techniques affordable, and by making good design and programming techniques
available on essentially all kinds of systems.

This may not have been stated clearly enough in the past. At least I have
seen postings presenting the view that compatibility was C++'s major or
even C++'s only goal. It wasn't and isn't. Compatibility provides a way of
co-existing with more traditional systems, a path for people who cannot
make immediate radical breaks with the past to follow, a way of preserving
skills, a way of re-using tools and libraries, and a way of guaranteeing
completeness of a new language.

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/14/89)

C++ is designed to cater for a wider range of programming styles,
a wider range of applications, running on a wider range of systems,
and under a stricter set of efficiency requirements than is most
other higher-level languages.

The complexity of C++ reflects this range of uses and requirements.
Given this, estimates of C++'s complexity is often greatly inflated.

Any language/system that tries to cover the ground C++ covers will
approximate C++ in complexity. Any that doesn't will leave you to
write many programs and large parts of systems in other languages.
For example, if there is a problem with efficiency (run-time or space)
or if the language require a certain class of machine you will
end up writing in C, assembler, Fortran, etc.

It seems trivial to improve C++ by reducing its size by 20%, but I have
never met two people who could agree on exactly which 20%. It would be
trivial to design a syntax for C++ that was noticeably easier to parse,
but we would also have a major conversion and education problem on our
hands (and I'd probably get tarred and feathered by irate C programmers).

I consider the type system of C++ far more important than the grammar (and
similarly for any other language). The class specific parts of the C++
syntax is clean and the grammar complexity is primarily a problems for
implementors; not users.

Much of the complexity in C++ is inherited (sic) from C. I consider it
worthwhile to keep this complexity in the language to ease the transition
to C++ from traditional languages, to allow re-use of C libraries and tools,
and to guarantee that no feature that is essential to get work done in C
was left out in C++ due to ignorance or misguided paternalism on my part.

Whatever the complexity/simplicity of C++ is, it has been sufficient
for tens of thousands of programmers to learn C++ well enough to get their
jobs done despite the relative lack of educational material, support, and
C++ specific expertise. The first two of these problems have been largely
remedied now, the third will remain until C++'s growth rate decreases from

There are several sources of C++ implementations. If you don't trust
commercial sources, you can try GNU; if you don't trust GNU, you can try
commercial sources; if you don't really trust either you can hope that
the many sources will keep each other honest. For libraries, tools, and
environments there are additional academic sources.

C++ is designed as a traditional programming language in the sense that
there is a clear distinction between the language itself, the system in
which it runs, and the tools used to create programs. This has the benefit
that you get a choice of programming development style, a choice of system
interfaces and libraries. In particular, it allows a very low minimum of
systems size and run-time support size.

The snag is that one cannot expect `one standard system' common to all
users. My opinion is that the world is far too large for that to happen
anyway (for any successful general-purpose language). We will, however,
see national-, regional-, corporate-, industry-, etc. wide standards and
we have the beginnings of a C++ tools and libraries industry.

C++ as a plain language delivers only a fraction of the benefits of a
complete C++ environment and a complete set of libraries. That was clearly
understood from the beginning. Even in standard environments such as
UNIX, MS/DOS, VMS, etc. C++ provides benefits over more traditional language
for a wide range of projects. More specialized and supportive programming
environments are now becomming available starting with ParcPlace's Cynergy.

An important aspect of C++ is its ability to be used in a mixed language
environment. Not only can C++ functions call C, Fortran, etc. functions
without overhead; the opposite is also the case. Pointers to C++ object can
where necessary be passed to and used directly from functions written in
other languages. Similarly, C++ can handle data layouts from other
languages in the same way C can. This makes co-existence of C++ and other
languages relatively easy, allows C++ to be used to build libraries for
other languages, and allows a gradual introduction of C++ into an

C++ follows the C tradition in trusting the programmer and in not attempting
to force one specific programming style or design method on people. C++
provides much stronger static checking than does C and allowes a far greater
range of ideas to be expressed directly in the language - thus making them
ameanable to checking and manipulation by tools - than does C (and most other
traditional languages for that matter). However, these (user-imposed) rules
can always (explicitly) be broken when necessary. The importance of this is
an absense of arbitrary and absolute limits.

There is a wide variety of programming styles and design approaches that
each are valid in particular environments (if not necessarily universally).
There are support for several in C++. The freedom for programmers
and designers this implies is of course a source of complexity. In my view
that complexity is necessary and a sign of maturity. Had the language
contained support for only a single style then programmers who (often for
good reasons) wanted to use another would have been left without any help
from the language and its type system; or worse been left with a set of
language features that was explicitly designed to prevent the supposed

I feel that a calm, levelheaded, and often slow approach is needed to get
data abstraction, object-oriented programming, etc. and their associated
design approaches into widespread use. Requiring an almost religious
conversion and a total change of work style of all users is not acceptable
to most organizations. C++'s support of a range of style within a single
type system and syntax is important for this transition.

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/14/89)

Part of C++'s complexity comes from its abilility to deal with objects
directly. In most `object-oriented language', including Simula and Eiffel
(I believe), an object of a class must be allocated on the free store and
manipulated through a pointer (an implicit pointer, in the case of Eiffel).
This has several effects, some beneficial, some not.

The beneficial effects of dealing with object only through pointers, such
as minimal recompilation after changes to the class declaration, can be
achieved in C++ for specific classes by NOT allocating static, automatic,
or member objects of those classes and avoiding the use of inlines for
their functions. Tools, such as compilers and programs calculating minimal
recompilation must be alert to these possibilities.

Not having automatic, static, and member objects (as in Simula, Smalltalk,
etc.) have an obvious cost in allocation and deallocation. It also implies
a storage overhead of a pointer per object and a run-time overhead of at
least one memory reference per access to such an object. In presentation
to IFIP WG2.4 in 1984 Karel Babcicky estimated the cost of NOT having static
and automatic objects of class types in Simula to a factor of two in run-time.
His estimate was based on measurements of Simula programs. Karel was in
charge of Simula maintenance for the Norvegian computing center for 10 years.
The absense of automatic, static, and member objects simplifies garbage
collection but also causes a greater need for it.

Having member objects in C++ (rather than simply having an object be a
set of pointers to sub-objects implies a nice compact storage layout
and a minimal storage allocation de-allocation overhead.

It is easy to underestimate the effects of these `little' differences
in raw (i.e. low-level) efficiency and deficiencies in these areas may
be alleviated by gains in overall program organization. However, I have
seen no evidence for systematic compensatory gains of this kind compared
to C++ in other languages and the absense of low-level run-time efficiency
and data compactness definitely leads to C, assembler, and Fortran use.
People who refer to C++ as `an object-oriented assembler' often miss the
point. C++ is - among other things - really meant fit that description.
It was designed to be able to fill that role too.

Allocation of objects on the free store can lead not only to inefficiency,
but also - in languages where the inderiction is implicit - to a noticeably
`discontinuity' in the semantics of assignment. Built in types have copy
semantics (e.g. a = b gives `a' the value of `b' if `a' and `b' are, say, ints)
whereas user-defined types have pointer semantics (e.g. a = b makes `a' 
refer to the same object as `b' - not a copy of that object - if `a' and `b'
are, say, complex variables). In C++ copy semantics is used for both built-in
and user-defined types. Pointer semantics for user-defined types can be
implemented by overloading the assignment operator.

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (06/14/89)

C++ is not simply a set of features grafted onto C. The C++ type system
provides coherent checking of all expressions. This system can - when
necessary - be broken by explicit use of casts or explicit use of the
ellipsis (...) in a function declaration. The simple system of built-in
types and standard onversions can be augmented by user-defined types (classes)
and user-defined conversions so that new types with essentially the same
status as the built-in ones can be provided. The general idea of these
mechanisms (classes and operator overloading) is to make C++ extensible
but not mutable. It is not possible to, say, redefine + to mean subtraction
for integers, though a programmer (with a warped sense of humor) can
define his/her own INT class where + means subtraction.

Where user-defined types are used ambiguity control is used to make sure
that ambiguities are either resolved or reported as errors at compile time.
Similar ambiguity control is used for name lookup where multiple inheritance
is used.

A C++ program consistes of many separately compiled parts. Consistency of
the type and name usage is ensured by the use of header files containing
the sets of declarations specifying interfaces. In release 1.*, of C++
there was no check on the consistency of the use of these interfaces.
In 2.0, consistency is checked at link time.

marti@ethz.UUCP (Robert Marti) (06/15/89)

In article <9474@alice.UUCP>, bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
> Should any of this increase your interest to the point where reading a
> textbook seems worth the effort here is a selection (in chronological order
> more or less):
> [ ... ]
> Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"  [ ... ]
> Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C Programmers"  [ ... ]
> Dewhurst, Steve and Stark, Kathy: "Programming in C++"  [ ... ]
> Lippman, Stan: "A C++ Primer"  [ ... ]
> [ ... ]

Can anybody out there provide further info on any of these books?
I am especially interested in how they cover the issue of object-
orientation in C++, for example, different approaches to set up
class hierarchies for various uses (tradeoffs in building container
classes comes to mind).  I'd also like to know which of these books
are based on release 2.0 of C++.

Of course, I'd especially appreciate the opinions of Bjarne Stroustrup,
Andy Koenig and others involved with the C++ design and implementation
efforts, but they may be wary of antagonizing the respective authors ...

Robert Marti                      Phone:      +41 1 256 52 36
Institut fur Informationssysteme
ETH-Zentrum                       CSNET/ARPA: marti%inf.ethz.ch@relay.cs.net
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland       UUCP:       ...uunet!mcvax!ethz!marti

rpj@mcc.com (Rich Johns) (06/16/89)

    Other good sources of information about C++ are `The C++ Report' (a newsletter)
    and Andrew Koenig's C++ column in the Journal of Object Oriented Programming.

How long has Andrew Koening's C++ column been running? I might want to
track down back issues of the Jouranl of OOP. Who distributes 'The C++
Report'?  How does one get on a mailing list? Actually, a better initial
question is: What is the flavor of 'The C++ Report'?

Rich Johns, MCC CAD Program | 3500 W. Balcones Center Dr., Austin, TX 78759
ARPA: johns@mcc.com         | Phone: [512] 338-3714
UUCP: {uunet,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!johns

rbm@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (robert.murray) (06/16/89)

In article <1271@ethz.UUCP>, marti@ethz.UUCP (Robert Marti) writes:
> > Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"  [ ... ]
> > Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C Programmers"  [ ... ]
> > Dewhurst, Steve and Stark, Kathy: "Programming in C++"  [ ... ]
> > Lippman, Stan: "A C++ Primer"  [ ... ]

> Can anybody out there provide further info on any of these books?

The June, 1989 issue of The C++ Report includes a review of Ira Pohl's
book.  I expect reviews of the other books to appear in future issues.

Rob Murray
AT&T Bell Labs
Editor, The C++ Report

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (06/16/89)

In article <1234@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, rpj@mcc.com (Rich Johns) writes:

> How long has Andrew Koening's C++ column been running?

My column has appeared in every issue of the Journal of
Object-Oriented Programming since its inception.

> Who distributes 'The C++ Report'?

It's published by the same people who publish the
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming.
				--Andrew Koenig

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (06/16/89)

In article <1271@ethz.UUCP>, marti@ethz.UUCP (Robert Marti) writes:

> > Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"  [ ... ]
> > Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C Programmers"  [ ... ]
> > Dewhurst, Steve and Stark, Kathy: "Programming in C++"  [ ... ]
> > Lippman, Stan: "A C++ Primer"  [ ... ]
> > [ ... ]

> Can anybody out there provide further info on any of these books?

I have not read the Pohl or Berry books, do not know the authors,
and therefore have no opinion of them, good or bad.

I have carefully read an early draft of Lippman's book.  That
draft gives me every reason to believe that the final version
(which I have not yet read) will be first-rate.

I haven't read Dewhurst and Stark yet, but I've seen other work
by them; on that basis I would expect their book to be first-rate
as well.

I believe Dewhurst and Stark assumes that you already know C well;
Lippman assumes that you know something about programming but not
necessarily C.  Lippman is definitely based on C++ 2.0; I assume
Dewhurst and Stark also used it as their basis.

Lippman's book is more than twice the size of Dewhurst and Stark's;
that will bias some people toward one and some toward the other.
				--Andrew Koenig

dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) (06/17/89)

In article <1271@ethz.UUCP>, Robert Marti writes:
In article <9474@alice.UUCP>, bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
+ Should any of this increase your interest to the point where reading a
+ textbook seems worth the effort here is a selection (in chronological order
+ more or less):
+ [ ... ]
+ Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"  [ ... ]
+ Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C Programmers"  [ ... ]
+ Dewhurst, Steve and Stark, Kathy: "Programming in C++"  [ ... ]
+ Lippman, Stan: "A C++ Primer"  [ ... ]
+ [ ... ]

+ Can anybody out there provide further info on any of these books?
+ I am especially interested in how they cover the issue of object-
+ orientation in C++, for example, different approaches to set up
+ class hierarchies for various uses (tradeoffs in building container
+ classes comes to mind).  I'd also like to know which of these books
+ are based on release 2.0 of C++.

+ Of course, I'd especially appreciate the opinions of Bjarne Stroustrup,
+ Andy Koenig and others involved with the C++ design and implementation
+ efforts, but they may be wary of antagonizing the respective authors ...

  Well, I'm not Bjarne Stroustrup or Andy Keonig, but I have read the
following books:

Stroustrup, Bjarne:    "The C++ Programming Language"
Berry, John:           "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"
Lewis & Pinson:        "Object Oriented Programming and C++"

  Here are some subjective opinions:

Stroustrup, Bjarne:    "The C++ Programming Language":

  This book is written very much in the style of "The C Programming Language"
by K&R.  It is quite terse and to the point.  As with K&R, you will get
the most out of this book if you are an experienced programmer.  Of 
course, this book is "The Book", meaning "the" reference for C++.  This
is the book I pick up when I want to know "is ... legal in C++?". 

Coverage of OOP:

  I was suprised to find that BS does not extol upon the virtues of
OOP.  C++ seems to be presented more as simply a "better C".  BS
does show the benefits of OOP using C++, but they are scattered
throughout the book, and the idea of OOP is not consolidated.
For example, on page 213, we find:

"That style of programming is often called object based or
object oriented..."

  (Notice the page number).

You'd want this book if:

  You are an experienced (preferably C) programmer, and would like
a good reference to the language.  You should already understand
OOP, and the benfits to be obtained from OOP, as they are not
clearly spelled out.  

Berry, John:           "The Waite Group's C++ Programming":

  This is my least favorite of the three.  The code is ridden
with bugs, and C++ is not covered in depth.  I found the treatment
of derived classes and inheritance to be somewhat confusing.

Coverage of OOP:

  In this aspect, the book seems only slightly better than BS.
John Berry discusses modularity and data hiding in C, by using
an example in C, and then proceeds to show how modularity and
data hiding are much better supported in C++ by rewriting the example
in C++.  However, nowhere in the book does JB discuss the
virtues of OOP at length.

You'd want this book if:

  You know next to nothing about C++, and want a decent intro
to the language.  Don't expect a thorough treatment of the
subject, or expect to gain any valuable insight into OOP
techniques.  Expect to be annoyed by bugs throughout
the code examples.

Lewis & Pinson:        "Object Oriented Programming and C++":

(Disclaimer:  I'm about 1/2 through this one)

  Well, this book is the best of the three (IMHO).  The book
(as it's title suggests) presents OOP concepts well.
However, treatment of derived classes and inheritance seems
to be somewhat lean.  This book, more than any of the
3, contains A LOT of code.  There is a chapter on Baseline
classes that shows generic linked lists, etc.
  The book also does not attempt to present the C++ language
in a complete manner.  For instance, a few times in the book
the reader is urged to study Stroustrup's book for a more
thorough explanation of certain topics.  
  I also am not completely enamored with the code examples given.
Baseline classes left much to be desired IMHO.

Coverage of OOP:

  The best of the 3, OOP and its benefits are discussed at
length, and one gets a good understanding of OOP.  One
technique that I think is useful is comparing C++ code
to similar code written in Modula-2, and showing the benefits
of OOP in C++ as opposed to "structured" Modula-2.

You'd want this book if:

  You already know most of the basics of C++, and are interested
in the OOP aspect of the language.  I wouldn't recommend this
book for the beginning C++ programmer.  This book should be read
after the reader has a cursory knowledge of the language.


  Get Stroustrup's book for a reference.  Get Berry's book if you feel like
wasting a little money, and know nothing about C++.  Get Weiner and Pinson
if you want to explore the OOP features of C++ more.

  I would buy all of them all over again (with the possible exception of
Berry's).  However, I think that the best resource one can find for info
about C++ is right here.  Just as the Wizard of Oz told Dorothy:
"You've had the slippers on all the time." OSTTE.  None of the books
presents topics in the depth they are discussed here on the net.

  Oh, BTW, none of the books mentions features present in 2.0.  None of
the books mentions multiple inheritance, except to say that C++ does not
support it.  However, I have heard that BS will be coming out with a
revised version of "The C++ Programming Language".
~ David Geary, Boeing Aerospace, Seattle                 ~ 
~ "I wish I lived where it *only* rains 364 days a year" ~

shrum@hpfcdq.HP.COM (Ken Shrum) (06/19/89)

> > Berry, John: "The Waite Group's C++ Programming"  [ ... ]
> > [ ... ]

> Can anybody out there provide further info on any of these books?

Yesterday I scanned through a copy of the above while at the bookstore.
I didn't go past page 100, didn't read it exhaustively, but instead just
looked for how well the book presented C++.

I found that the examples tended to have many typographical errors,
mostly misspelled variable names.  Variable and function names were
not referred to consistently (e.g. get_var versus get_variable).  The
examples also had some semantic errors (1 based arrays rather than
zero, off by one errors) and a few that were difficult to classify
(see below).  There was also a tendency to have confusing examples,
for instance:

    foo(int x, y)
	int y;


    class new_foo

    class foo : new_foo

where foo::new_foo seems to be intended to be the constructor for foo.

In addition, the operators << and >> are described as being "new" to
C++ as compared to C, and are referred to in the index as the "output"
and "input" operators respectively.  No reference is given to these as
being the left and right shift operators.

The above is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the book, but
only reflects impressions gathered over half an hour.

    Ken Shrum

pcg@aber-cs.UUCP (Piercarlo Grandi) (07/22/89)

In article <9476@alice.UUCP> bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
    The complexity of C++ reflects this range of uses and requirements.
    Given this, estimates of C++'s complexity is often greatly inflated.

Well, well. C++ is a nice job, but but... Several "features" seem to have
been put in because they *looked* right. A much too experimental attitude,
let's say. Example: visibility rules. They are not well understood, or
at least there is no consistent model of them, and there are many dark spots.

    It would be trivial to design a syntax for C++ that was noticeably
    easier to parse,

Ah no! You should have written "It would HAVE BEEN trivial ...". It can be
argued that some ambiguities and problems of the C++ syntax descend from
mistakes or at least questionable laxity on your part. Example:

	a b(c);

This is fairly ambiguous. Old C hands know that C itself once allowed a
similar syntax

	a b { c };

that was dropped in favour of the

	a b = { c };

syntax because the former could confuse the compilers (as said in K&R and/or
the V7 Unix C docs). I understand that

	complex i(0,1);

looks neater than

	complex i = complex(0,1);

but the latter is amply sufficient... Why ever was a variant of the ambiguous
initialization syntax without '=' crept back into the language when it had
been expunged precisely because of ambiguities?

This is the most glaring example, in that a (arguable) *mistake* has been
actually *reintroduced* in the language. The other ambiguities or problems
are also often fairly pointless, in that their benefit is not great (e.g.
automatically typedef'ed class and struct names, casts that look function
calls or declar), and they have obvious counterindications (ask Michael

    but we would also have a major conversion and education
    problem on our hands

Yes, because it is now too late to rectify mistakes or pointlessly
sophisticated syntax features. Too many users depend on them; and users
outnumber compiler writers by a wide margin...

    (and I'd probably get tarred and feathered by irate C programmers).

What does this mean? That to make C++ syntax simpler and less ambiguous
you would want to change C syntax, because it is C that gives you problems?
If so (as the parts I have not commented on of this article seem to imply),
I beg to differ. The underlying C syntax and semantics have their warts (e.g.
"typedef", "enum", "int;", bit fields that may be signed or unsigned at the
compiler's whim even if explicitly declared "int" or "unsigned", ...), but
they have proven livable with.

C++ *adds* to them, and sometimes with fairly gratuitous incompabilities
(e.g. typedef). It is not unusable for this, far from it, but a bit of the
sense of grace that emanates from C has been lost.

Finally my point on the Eiffel/C++ controversy: I use C++ because I am a
systems person, and even if Eiffel has very clever technology, it simply
cannot go where C++ can. The claim that C++ goes wherever C could have gone
(in both lowly hackerism and tightness) is substantially true. Eiffel seems
an higher level language, somewhat intermediate between C++ and Smalltalk.

But the main difference is that C++ has been designed *without* the backing
of a comprehensive philosophy of object orientedness, but rather in a
pragmatic, trial-and-error fashion (and it shows). Eiffel is the result of
specific conscious high brow analysis of OO program development (even if
adjustments are being made) from time to time, and as such has its
attractions to those that are persuaded by it.

I tend to agree to the Modula-2/C (less worrying to Eiffel advocates than
the Pascal/C one... :->) analogy for Eiffel/C++; the C style of language is
a sharper tool than most others, and if you can handle its (optional) unsafe
features you can go a long way.
Piercarlo "Peter" Grandi           | ARPA: pcg%cs.aber.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Dept of CS, UCW Aberystwyth        | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!aber-cs!pcg
Penglais, Aberystwyth SY23 3BZ, UK | INET: pcg@cs.aber.ac.uk

scs@vax3.iti.org (Steve Simmons) (07/23/89)

In article <2727@ssc-vax.UUCP> dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) writes:
>In article <9474@alice.UUCP>, bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
>+ Should any of this increase your interest to the point where reading a
>+ textbook seems worth the effort here is a selection (in chronological order
>+ Pohl, Ira: "C++ for C Programmers"  [ ... ]
>+ [ ... ]

I'm part-way thru reading the Pohl book, and on the whole am pleased.
Like his book on C ("A Book On C", written with Al Kelley) it's fairly
low-level but clean and consise.  It clearly does not go into great
depth, but is a very good start for the audience indicated in the title.
I use the Kelley/Pohl book when teaching C, but supplement it with
Harbison and Steele.  From what I've see so far, "C++ For C Programmers"
would pair nicely with Stroustrup for teaching C++.

Caveat: I don't know C++ nearly well enough to teach it, so take the
appropriate grain of salt.

Steve Simmons         Just another midwestern boy
scs@vax3.iti.org  -- or -- ...!sharkey!itivax!scs
"Think of c++ as an object-oriented assembler..."