[comp.lang.c++] Need info on Zortech's C++ for PCs

grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) (06/19/89)

>>  I need ordering information on Zortech's C++ for IBM compatabiles.
>>  Could someone send me:
>>  Where to order

According to the manual: Zortech Inc.
                         366 Massachussets Avenue

                         Tel 617-646-6703

Apart frmo the compiler package, they offer a C++ toolkit (I like it)
and library source code.

Have fun with it,

Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (06/20/89)

 >   I need ordering information on Zortech's C++ for IBM compatabiles.
 >   Could someone send me:
 > Where to order
 > Cost


        Here is the information that you asked for.  The pricing comes from an old flyer I received but should be close.

Zortech, Inc.
1165 Massachusetts, Avenue
Arlinton, Maryland  02174

Order # 1-800-848-8408  Visa/MC/Cod

Zortech C/C++                   $149.95
        source                    49.95         verify price
C Debugger                        89.95         ANSI C only
        upgrade                   49.95         to C++ when available
C++ Tools                         99.95
C++ (Stroupstrup)                 29.95
Oops & C++ (Weiner)               27.95

        With the announcement of OS/2 support there is an expected price increase in the basic compiler.  The compiler is definitely good enough to use but don't expect perfection.  If anything serious turns up Walter usually cranks out a fix or work around in a day or so.  This is an evolving compiler but I wouldn't have it any other way <big grin>.

                              C++ing a little better,

                                  Roy Browning

dmg@ssc-vax.UUCP (David Geary) (07/23/89)

  I need ordering information on Zortech's C++ for IBM compatabiles.
  Could someone send me:
Where to order


~ David Geary, Boeing Aerospace, Seattle                 ~ 
~ "I wish I lived where it *only* rains 364 days a year" ~