[comp.lang.c++] latest g++ version

andersnb@cmcl2.NYU.EDU (Brian Anderson) (07/31/89)

Hi Netland,

I have recently seen references to g++ version 1.35.1.  However, when I
check prep.ai.mit.edu the latest version is 1.35.0.  Is this new version
some bug fixes and where can I obtain it?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brian G. Anderson                                       |
NYU Ultracomputer Research Project                     |||
715 Broadway  Rm. 1006                                |||||
New York, NY  10003                                   |||||
(212) 998-3346                                     --- //\ ---
arpa:	andersnb@cmcl2                             ----/ \----
uucp:	{ihnp4,seismo}!cmcl2!andersnb              ----   ----

myers@hpldola.HP.COM (Dan Myers) (08/01/89)

Brian Anderson writes:

>I have recently seen references to g++ version 1.35.1.  However, when I
>check prep.ai.mit.edu the latest version is 1.35.0.  Is this new version
>some bug fixes and where can I obtain it?

	I have no knowledge as to the contents of 1.35.1, but if it
exists it should be available via anonymous ftp from yahi.stanford.edu
(Michael Tiemann's machine at Stanford University).

	Dan Myers