[comp.lang.c++] C++ Windows

pj@hrc63.uucp (Mr P Johnson "Baddow") (07/31/89)

Last week I posted a request for C++ interfaces to Sunview.  I had a couple
of responses (thank you, sorry I lost your names cos mailer deleted not
saved your messages) telling me to use ET++ rather than Interviews.  One
gave me a source (Rochester) in the US, but I am in the UK.  Anyone know a
source for the source of ET++ in the UK?  Email/ftp preferred, but I will
resort to snail-mail if necessary.

Thank you in advance,

Paul Johnson,         | `The moving finger writes, And having writ, moves on,'
GEC-Marconi Research  |                    Omar Kyham when contemplating `vi'.
The company has put a radio inside my head: it controls everything I say!

rpj@mcc.com (Rich Johns) (08/05/89)

    Last week I posted a request for C++ interfaces to Sunview.  I had a couple
    of responses (...) telling me to use ET++ rather than Interviews. 

I'd be interested in hearing why ET++ was recommended over InterViews.
In fact, someone knowledgeable about both might post a comparison.

Rich Johns, MCC CAD Program | 3500 W. Balcones Center Dr., Austin, TX 78759
ARPA: johns@mcc.com         | Phone: [512] 338-3714
UUCP: {uunet,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!johns

thawk1@ibmpcug.UUCP (Timothy Hawkins) (08/05/89)

I have made this request before but got no real anwsers , does any
body know of a dial-up anon UUCP contactable site in the UK or Europe
where I can obtain the sources for Interviews. 
FTP'able sites are no help... it must be dial-up UUCP... 

Regards Tim hawkins
(Ps I know its on the X11R3 tape but I cant read tapes either.)

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