[comp.lang.c++] Can you initialize private static data members?

jps@cs.brown.edu (John Shewchuk) (07/27/89)


  class X {
    X(char *);  // The only constructor


  class Y {
    static X x;

Is there any way to initialize Y::x?  The references seem to
indicate that Y::x can not be initialized by saying

  X Y::x("Test");  

because Y::x is private.  Is this correct?


John Shewchuk                                                jps@cs.brown.edu

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (07/31/89)

In article <11327@brunix.UUCP> jps@cs.brown.edu (John Shewchuk) writes:

   From: jps@cs.brown.edu (John Shewchuk)
   Date: 26 Jul 89 20:30:41 GMT
   Organization: Brown Computer Science


     class X {
       X(char *);  // The only constructor


     class Y {
       static X x;

   Is there any way to initialize Y::x?  The references seem to
   indicate that Y::x can not be initialized by saying

     X Y::x("Test");  

   because Y::x is private.  Is this correct?

No; there's an exception to the access rules so that it can be

According to the Product Reference Manual, page 60, sec 9.4:

"Static members obey the usual class member access rules, except that
they can be initialized (in file scope)."

Experimentation on a simple test case shows that this works properly
in Cfront 2.0.  Thanks to our local C++ language expert, Sam Haradvala,
for researching this and checking it out.

Dan Weinreb		Object Design, Inc.		dlw@odi.com

jaa@hutcs.hut.fi (Jari Alasuvanto) (08/01/89)

In article <404@odi.ODI.COM> dlw@odi.com writes:
>   Given:
>     class X {
>       ...
>     public:
>       X(char *);  // The only constructor
>     }
>   and
>     class Y {
>     private:
>       static X x;
>     public:
>       ...
>     }

According to Stroutrup`s BOOK, a static member cannot be of a class with a 
a constructor (page 275).  Has this been changed in 2.0 ?

My problem with static members (for the reason above I have mostly used pointers
and allocated them explicitely) is: what is the right place to do the initialization.
If done in main, you need to include all the .h files (needing the initialization).
The usual way for me doing this has been:
	- declare one static variable in the class implementation file to indicate
	if the class static members have been initialized
	- Access the static member only using member functions, so if it is needed an
	instance of the class has to exist
	- In the constructor of that class, checked the static flag variable and 
	initialize if necessary.

Does anybody have a nicer solution ?  I think that the problem is basically the fact
that in C++ clases are not objects as in pure OO languages.


Jari Alasuvanto	
Lab. of Information Proc. Science, Helsinki Univ. of Techology, Finland
Internet: 	jaa@hutcs.hut.fi 	Bitnet:	jaa%finhutcs.bitnet	
tel: 		+358-0-451 3236 	fax:  +358-0-465 077

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (08/01/89)

In article <24121@santra.UUCP> jaa@hutcs.hut.fi (Jari Alasuvanto) writes:

   According to Stroutrup`s BOOK, a static member cannot be of a class with a 
   a constructor (page 275).  Has this been changed in 2.0 ?


   My problem with static members (for the reason above I have mostly used pointers
   and allocated them explicitely) is: what is the right place to do the initialization.

In C++ 2.0, it works just as "extern" variables do in C (and C++).
The initialization appears at file scope (at top level).  Typically
the class definition is in a header file, and the initialization is in
one of the source files that includes that header file.

   I think that the problem is basically the fact
   that in C++ clases are not objects as in pure OO languages.

No, there's no "purity of OO" problem here.  The only reason that
there's anything complex going on here is because of the C model of
separate compilation and linking.  If everything were always all in
one big file, all of this would be completely simple.

Dan Weinreb	Object Design, Inc.	dlw@odi.com

Dan.Weinreb@mamab.FIDONET.ORG (Dan Weinreb) (08/05/89)

Fidonet:  Dan Weinreb via 1:363/9
Internet: Dan.Weinreb@mamab.FIDONET.ORG
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