[comp.lang.c++] Is a 2nd ed. of "The C++ Prog. Lang." on its way?

jgrace@bbn.com (Joe Grace) (08/05/89)

I thought I heard a rumor that a 2nd edition was forthcoming with the
release of AT&T C++ 2.0.  Is a 2nd edition really coming soon (within
a month or so)?

Also, what is the consensus on C++ learning books --- which is best
(complete, accurate, typo-free, and well-organized)?  In particular,
is Lippman's "C++ Primer" generally considered good? 


= Joe =

Joe Grace
ARPA: jgrace@bbn.com
UUCP: {harvard,husc6,decvax,etc.}!bbn!jgrace
#include <StandardDisclaimer.h>

jamesd@qiclab.UUCP (James Deibele) (08/06/89)

In article <43832@bbn.COM> jgrace@BBN.COM (Joe Grace) writes:
>I thought I heard a rumor that a 2nd edition was forthcoming with the
>release of AT&T C++ 2.0.  Is a 2nd edition really coming soon (within
>a month or so)?

It's just a rumor.  Stroustrup has a contract with Addison-Wesley for
another book, which may be a 2nd Edition, but the odds are much higher
that it will be something else, such as the language definition that
he's working on.  This is according to my source at A-W, who seems to
know what he's talking about.

>Also, what is the consensus on C++ learning books --- which is best
>(complete, accurate, typo-free, and well-organized)?  In particular,
>is Lippman's "C++ Primer" generally considered good? 

Lippman's book is considered the best available.  Earlier books, such as
Wiener and Pinson's _Intro to OOP and C++_ or Berry's C++ book (published
by Sams, and I'm drawing a blank on the name right now), were not good,
but they were the only thing available besides Stroustrup.  _C++ for C
Programmers_ by Pohl is OK, but is pretty thin and covers a lot of ground
that C programmers know already.  _Programming in C++_ by Dewhurst and 
Stark seems pretty good, but I haven't really had a chance to look at it.
Another one that's just arrived (literally yesterday) is _Object-Oriented
Program Design (With Examples in C++)_, another A-W book.

(I can furnish ISBNs and other info so you can check your local store if
you mail me.)

James Deibele  jamesd@qiclab  BBSs: (503) 760-1473 or (503) 761-7451
TECHBooks: The Computer Book Specialists  ---  Voice: (503) 646-8257
12600 SW 1st  Beaverton, OR  97005  --- Are you on our mailing list?
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jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (08/08/89)

> _Programming in C++_ by Dewhurst and Stark seems pretty good, 
> but I haven't really had a chance to look at it.

I've gone over this & Lippman, and I believe Lippman is a little better --
I found Lippman's descriptions on coercions and conversions the best I've
seen.  Still, the Dewhurst & Stark is a very reasonable second choice, if
you can't find Lippman locally.