[comp.lang.c++] AT&T C++ Documentation

ldg@druin.ATT.COM (Doug Gibbons) (07/07/89)

For those that have wondered, the "official" reference manual for "2.0 C++"
is available from AT&T, and can be ordered apart from the software. In fact,
there are four 2.0 C++ documents available. The "Catch 22" here is that to
order these documents, you must know their "select code" numbers, which, to
my knowledge, have thus far been published only in the documents themselves.

The four documents which are available are

	1) "UNIX System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0 - Release Notes"
		(select code 307-090)

	This is a set of release notes describing contents of the software
	distribution, makefiles, building and porting of cfront, and contains
	a brief discussion of differences between 1.2 and 2.0.

	2) "UNIX System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0 - 
	    Product Reference Manual"
		(select code 307-146)

	This is the C++ Reference Manual by Bjarne Stroustrup. NOT A TUTORIAL. 
	Consider this to be THE definition (or is it declaration ?) of the 
	C++ language.

	3) "UNIX System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0 - 
	    Library Manual"
	    (select code 307-145)

	Discusses libraries that are packaged in the software distribution:
	Complex Arithmetic, Tasks, Iostreams

	4) "UNIX System V AT&T C++ Language System Release 2.0 - 
	    Selected Readings"
	    (select code 307-144)

	This document is a collection of several papers, some of which have
	appeared elsewhere in other forms:

		Evolution of C++: 1985 to 1989
		Introduction to C++
		An Overview of C++
		Object-Oriented Programming
		Multiple Inheritance
		Type-Safe Linkage for C++
		Access Rules for C++

Any or all of these documents can be ordered by calling or writing

	AT&T Customer Information Center
	Customer Service Representative
	P.O. Box 19901
	Indianapolis, IN 46219

	in continental USA:	1-800-432-6600
	in Canada:		1-800-255-1242
	elsewhere:		1-317-352-8556

This morning (7/7/89) I called the USA number to verify that the
documents could be ordered. The agent said they are in stock and
can be ordered, but because they are so new, prices have not yet been 
set. I was told they expected this to be done within a week.  If you call, 
be armed with a credit card and the all-important select codes. 

An aside: From time to time we continue to refer to "C++ 2.0" or "2.0 C++."
Remember that although the language has evolved, it has not been renamed.
It is still "C++." The "2.0" refers to the C++ translator (aka cfront) along
with its support system of headers, libraries and make/port mechanisms.
This product used to be known as the "AT&T C++ Translator." With release
2.0, it has been redubbed the "AT&T C++ Language System."

This blurb was meant to pass along some helpful information to those
looking for the latest on C++, and was not intended to be a commercial
announcement of any sort. 

-- Doug Gibbons			| ldg@druhi.ATT.COM or att!druhi!ldg
-- AT&T Bell Laboratories 
-- Denver CO

schwartz@dinl.uucp (Michael Schwartz) (08/09/89)

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I haven't seen it.
Ref: Message id <432@druin.ATT.COM>
gives fuller details on the documents.

The AT&T Customer Information Center (1-800-432-6600 in the USA)
gives the following prices for C++ Release 2.0 documentation

Release notes (307-090) $20
Product reference (307-146) $25
Library manual (307-145) $35
Selected readings (307-144) $30

They are all apparently in stock and take 7-10 days to deliver UPS.
Michael Schwartz