[comp.lang.c++] C++ tasking library.

hughes@ns.network.com (Jim Hughes x1676) (08/10/89)

I am going to ask this very quietly, I don't want to start any kind of
long detailed discussion.

1) Has anyone successfully ported the C++ 1.2 tasking library to
   Sun 4, OS 4.0.x?

2) Is there an object only version of C++ 2.0 for sale that HAS a
   working task library?

3) Has anyone accomplished the same tasking type of structure using
   Sun's LWP facility?

4) Does g++ have a tasking library for Sun 4?

Please email to me any results you have, I don't seem to have a reliable
news feed.


Jim Hughes


tjt@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (timothy.j.thompson) (08/10/89)

From article <1543@ns.network.com>, by hughes@ns.network.com (Jim Hughes x1676):
> 1) Has anyone successfully ported the C++ 1.2 tasking library to
>    Sun 4, OS 4.0.x?
> Please email to me any results you have, I don't seem to have a reliable
> news feed.

Please post the information, too.  Thanks.    Tim = tjt@twitch.att.com