[comp.lang.c++] Who has read these books?

hd@cft.philips.nl (Henk D. Davids @ PMSN) (08/14/89)

[Just posting for a friend - see e-mail below...]

On page 76 in the August 1989 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal, MIS:PRESS advertises
some books on C++.

The ones that I am interested in are:
      "C++ for Expert Systems" by David Hu  and
      "User Interfaces in C++ and Object-Oriented Programming" by Mark Goodwin.

Has anyone seen (AND read) these books ? Are they good ? Are they worth all
the $$$ ?
Please E-mail me your expert opinion. I will summarize to the net if it turns
out to be necessary.



    	PHILIPS Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
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| In my opinion my opinion is just my opinion; or am I wrong  ? |
| What's your opinion ? I'm sure there IS-A related opinion, or |
| someone who HAS-A opinion on this...........................! |

marc@mercury.sybase.com (I am Marc E. Strohwig) (08/15/89)

I have read several books on OOPS and C++ and I'm sad to say I found
'User Interfaces in C++ and Object Oriented Programming' my least
favorite.  In my view the Book is little more than a bound set of
C++ sources to a simple windowing system accompanied by a users guide.
Of ~390 pages: 0 detail what OOPS is, 13 pages describe how the PC's
display controller is setup, 25 pages give .asm listing and review
MASM coding, 98 pages deal with  C++ source to the windowing system,
37 pages list the source to a simple ledger using the windowing
system and the remainder of the book is taken by appendix A & B which
provide a user guide to the windowing system and a listing of the PC
BIOS video services.  No where is the OOPS paradigm or C++ philosphy
event touched on.


"We don't guarantee, any work caused by or arising out of the failure
    of the owner to comply with instructions or recommendations."

Marc E. Strohwig	-    		      "Opinions ?? Mine, mine, mine!!"
Sybase, Inc. 							marc@sybase.com
Emeryville, CA			    {pacbell, lll-tis, pyramid,sun}!sybase!marc