[comp.lang.c++] optimising matrix operations; deferred evaluation

forsyth@minster.york.ac.uk (08/16/89)

one approach that i have not seen suggested here is to have
the overloaded operators build a tree describing the calculation &
defer the evaluation until the value is required (eg, by assignment).
the expression evaluator can see the context and avoid the
deplorable copying of large objects.
this might be appropriate when the cost of transforming and interpreting
the expression is less than the cost of creating temporary values

i have not considered doing this for matrix operations (as such)
but rather for bitmap/image manipulation operations, perhaps in the style of:

%T A Language for Bitmap Manipulation
%A L. J. Guibas
%A J. Stolfi
%J ACM Transactions on Graphics
%V 1
%N 3
%D July 1982
%P 191-214

whether it saves time obviously depends on the size of a matrix.
a hybrid scheme might be attractive.