[comp.lang.c++] C++ mode for Gnu Emacs

bob@tinman.cis.ohio-state.edu (Bob Sutterfield) (08/17/89)

In article <715@east.East.Sun.COM> ppk@idli.East.Sun.COM (Pravin Kumar) writes:
   Does anyone know of a C++ mode for Gnu Emacs?  If so, could you please
   send me e-mail on where I can find it (for anonymous ftping)?

You can find two in tut.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/as-is/.

ppk@idli.East.Sun.COM (Pravin Kumar) (08/17/89)

Does anyone know of a C++ mode for Gnu Emacs?  If so, could you please
send me e-mail on where I can find it (for anonymous ftping)?

Thanks in advance,

Pravin Kumar
Email:	ppk@suneast.east.sun.com or ...{uunet,decwrl}!sun.com!ppk